Anyone out there that raises their own farm animals?

marathonduck Posts: 5 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
i just started this program. I served 11 years in Marine Corps, was in super physical condition but got injured and emotionally ate myself to 50 pounds heavier. Waited til my husband finished his 30 plus years in the Marines and then we settled to our ranch/farm that we had been renting out while we served. Now we are home with a special needs son and have farm animals which contribute to our food. Would love to meet other women who are trying to improve their health and running a farm.


  • Kate8059
    Kate8059 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey! Goat farmer here :)
  • marathonduck
    marathonduck Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Kate! Awesome! I have Kinders. Do you have a difficult time with all the home made cheeses, ice cream and all the other good stuff? My husband can eat as much as he wants and he stays Marine Corps slim. It is difficult for me. Nice to meet you.
  • Kate8059
    Kate8059 Posts: 29 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hey nice to meet you too! Always love to hear from other goat people :) feel free to add me. We have boers and boer crosses so they're really just for meat. We have made cheese a few times but not to often. Your husband and mine have that in common he never stops eating and doesn't gain a thing. I always say he eats it and I gain it lol
  • Realtree2429
    Realtree2429 Posts: 81 Member
    I raise chickens and ducks. My husband raises pigs :) we also have two special needs children so it helps out sooooo much! Next year we are going to add goats to our "farm".
  • marathonduck
    marathonduck Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! We have a special needs child too. One of my big problems is I make all kinds of wonderful food from our farm and my husband and son can eat all they want and they stay slim. I want to get a pig but my husband says no. He thinks one pig will tear up our farm.
  • marathonduck
    marathonduck Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Kate, I and real tree. I do not know how to respond individually or how to add.
  • Realtree2429
    Realtree2429 Posts: 81 Member
    Oh pigs love to tear up what they can!!! Fortunately they do not require much space and so we have a pig pen for them and they are confined there only :) I shudder think what would happen if they got out!
  • marathonduck
    marathonduck Posts: 5 Member
    Our son has Down Syndrome. He is such a blessing to us