Need new grab-n-go snack ideas!

Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
I don't know about everyone else, but I pretty much eat the same stuff for snacks all the time (almonds, yogurt, string cheese, baby carrots). I don't want snacks that I have to make or prepare ahead of time, but something I can grab or even better if I can stock up and leave at work.

Any ideas?!


  • helvetikat
    helvetikat Posts: 21
    How about fruit like oranges, apples, grapes, etc?
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I would welcome ideas too....
  • hurricanegirl13
    I havn't tried them... and I don't know how they are nutritionally, but I've heard Lara bars are really good. :) I also suggest little fruit cups! Get the no sugar added ones. My favorite are the mandarin oranges. The other thing that I use as a grab and go snack are apple sauce cups. :)
  • emmaclement
    emmaclement Posts: 11 Member
    Hey ,

    I keep my works draw stuffed with under 100kcal snacks

    Melba Toast mini 6 pack (78 kcals)
    Weight Watcher crackers / biscuits (between 55 and 90kcals per pack)
    Weetabix cereal bars (only 70kcals)
    Cup a soup (99kcals depending on flavour- slim a soups are lower)

    Hope that helps x
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I LOVE the Cascadian Organic granola bars!! They are super tasty 100% organic and cheap!! I get the cereal and the granola bars for $2.60 a box at walmart or our local grocery. Sweet and salty are fantastic and so are the peanut butter chip!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Baby carrots and cherry tomatoes are a go to for me. I also hard boil eggs at the beginning of the week and eat the egg whites as a snack. Luna Mini bars are great if you want a chocolate fix for low calories.
  • aunt_hbomb
    aunt_hbomb Posts: 204
    If you have an Aldi store near you, they have a line called Fit & Active that is awesome. They have 50 cal fruit strips (like fruit roll-ups for kids but not as playful) in a variety of flavors, also zero cal flav drinks, yougurt raisins, and tons of other goodies.
  • mjp202
    mjp202 Posts: 50 Member
    I like cut-up vegetables dipped with mini hummus packs.
  • chrissyv1024
    chrissyv1024 Posts: 97 Member
    Fiber One makes 90 cal snacks like Chocolate or peanut butter chewy bars and they also make a brownie.. VERY helpful if you have a chocolate craving!
  • mariahruby
    mariahruby Posts: 130 Member
    100 snack packs, the all natural fruit roll ups (50 calories), fiber one bars, special k bars, bananas, some strawberries, an apple, trying to think of more..
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    I hear you on this one I'm getting kind of tired myself of the string cheese, yogurt & almond routine... I have been eating Mott's Blueberry Applesauce cups they have no added sugar & are only 50 calories per cup and like 11 carbs if your watching carbs like me :), they are delicious!
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I am loving the trail mixes at Fresh Market. Easy to grab a handful of them and go.
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    I've heard people talk about wasabi peas, I personally think they taste like flaming *kitten*, but others seem to like them. My usual snacks are your typical ones, string cheese, yogurt and almonds. I do like to make a litte mix out of almonds and dried fruits like raisins, cherries and banana slices. I know they are high in sugar, but I use just a few of them.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    The Applesauce is a good idea.. also they make prepackages cottage cheese and fruit things.. Jello is always a good way to go. Veggie Straws. We buy a big bag then I pre portion them out in ziplocks.
  • scarnall2
    scarnall2 Posts: 18
    90 calorie fiber bars,
    80 calorie 100% fruit snacks,
    rice cakes (mini)
    Fruit cups (in juice, not syrup)
    Apple sauce cups
    Multi-grain Cheeros (no milk) 1 serving
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    1 cup celery, 1 tblsp organic no sugar peanut butter
  • anwendy
    anwendy Posts: 17
    I do 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese with sliced strawberries and Splenda. Not so much grab and go, but definitely good to leave at work and eat throughout the week. Soo tasty! I also keep Greek Yogurt (the individual ones with fruit in them) in the frig at work.

    Big fan of the 100 calorie packs, although I have to make sure I only bring one with me in the morning, or I'll end up eating more than one packet. :)

    Also, instant oatmeal is great to keep at work. Just tear open a packet, dump it in a styrofoam cup, and use the hot water thing on a coffee machine. Super quick and really filling.

    I tend to keep the 90-100 calorie Quaker Chewy bars or 100 calorie mini Clif bars on hand for the moments when I really do need to just grab and go.

    I'd love to hear more people's ideas too! It's easy to get bored with what I eat, so I'm always trying to change it up.
  • Shananigans1
    Thank you for the ideas!
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Craisins - dried cranberries about 130 cals for 40g. It's like eating sweeties/candy as they are so sweet and chewy and take a while to eat. Also Nakd organic bars made from natural products. They have a slightly strange taste and texture but are filling.
  • Temio
    Temio Posts: 5
    Try a naval orange and a mango. You are correct because I did the string cheese, baby carrots and yogurt for a while too. But after some time, u r tempted to go for something else... something not so healthy if u don't change it up. However, I think adding or changing the fruits around will work. Bananas are good too.