New Year

happy New Year everyone...been on n off with my dieting and working out, but on the wagon again. 8 days strong and doing pretty good. What helps U stay motivated? Any tips or tricks to know?! Happy to have this app. Excited to meet new ppl on the same fitness journey as myself. ☺️


  • monilove617
    monilove617 Posts: 34 Member
    It's definitely a great app! I started about a year ago, stopped and back again. Being able to identify each food and factor the calories is huge! I can send you an invite. 2015 is the year!!! No more excuses!!!
  • Yes a new year indeed...I didn't know there was a community on here. And thanks for the add! This app is addicting and also makes me obsessed on what to eat, which is good I guess lol
  • JimmyRoss7
    JimmyRoss7 Posts: 39 Member
    It's made me kinda obsessive too. What keeps me motivated is that in June when people are saying god I wish I would of got in shape... I'm not one saying that.
  • True!! My brother is getting married in March and my birthday is in April that's what is motivating me.