Feeling kinda alone on this journey

So I just started my lifestyle change and weight loss journey on January 1st. I am doing pretty well, as I have lost around 12lbs. Yay!!

But I am having a little issue. I live with my fiance and our two children. He said he too wants to get into better shape. He uses this app as well. However I feel like he isn't really talking it as serious as I am, and it is hard. I know that he doesn't have the same calorie goal as I do, and yes he can eat more. However, tonight at like 8pm, he is talking about how good Chinese would taste and do I want to go get some. Of course I do!! But I'm not going to because I really need to keep to my goals. I guess I am just wining because he said that he was going to do this with me, that we will do it together, and we are not!

How do y'all deal when the other members of your house do not have the same goals that you do? I can't keep all the junk out of the house because they need to be happy too, but it is so hard when you are not getting the support of your loved ones.


  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    Yes, Chinese would taste good. If you look in the food database you will see plenty of Chinese food. So.... Select something in the database that you have calories for and eat just that portion. The rest of the fam can pig out on the rest of it. Or, the alternative would be that you make a recipe at home and slim it down some. Still, it is all about portion control.. Yes... I am just learning this.
  • Josyurtos23
    Josyurtos23 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm also in the same boat so I would be curious as to what people say.
  • Soon2BeMrsSherriff
    Soon2BeMrsSherriff Posts: 82 Member
    That's the thing, we had already ate dinner, and we're laying in bed watching tv when this conversation happened. It's like he just wanted it as a bedtime snack. I have no calories left, had just finished my workout DVD, climbed into bed and then he mentioned Chinese. I just felt like he isn't supporting me. He knows how much this means to me, and honestly how much willpower I DO NOT have. I need support, not someone trying to break me of our goals.

    I'm sure I am just being overly sensitive, but it just rubbed me wrong.
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    Well, he can do what he wants. You get to decide what goes in your mouth. (I'd suggest nothing if you're done with calories for the day.) It doesn't matter what he eats, does it?
  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    I have a "free meal" once a week where I eat one meal of what ever I like. The rest of the week I stick to my plan, this way I don't feel like I'm missing out :smiley: it also helps when eating at my "Mother inlaw to be" she cooks with alot of cheese and cream.
  • Soon2BeMrsSherriff
    Soon2BeMrsSherriff Posts: 82 Member
    Rose6300 wrote: »
    Well, he can do what he wants. You get to decide what goes in your mouth. (I'd suggest nothing if you're done with calories for the day.) It doesn't matter what he eats, does it?

    No, it doesn't matter what he eats. It's just hard when we were supposed to do this together, but now I'm by myself.
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    I tell the others in the house, don't offer things to me. If you want something that isn't likely to fit into my numbers, don't throw it in my face.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I think you have to have this conversation with him. Tell him what you told here.

  • Th3Ph03n1x
    Th3Ph03n1x Posts: 275 Member
    I tell the others in the house, don't offer things to me. If you want something that isn't likely to fit into my numbers, don't throw it in my face.

    Didn't sound to me like he was offering it to her. It sounded like he was wanting her to fetch it for them.

    The past times I've tried this I've been on my own but this time we're all on a new eating plan although the kids have more flexibility. they snack on more healthy stuff and eat what we eat for dinner but they don't do our breakfast and lunch.

    Maybe you should tell him how hard it is for you to stay on track when he derails? That's what I did. It took several times (usually does with men) but it finally took. He still isn't quite as strict with it as I am but he's close so I will take it.
  • raewendy
    raewendy Posts: 3 Member
    Wow! Congrats on the 12 pounds lost! That is amazing.

    I have that problem too with my husband, who is not trying to change his eating habits whatsoever, nor does he want to. What I've been doing is grabbing some herbal tea when sitting with him watching TV, or club soda with lemon. I've been thinking of grabbing some of those 100 calorie snacks to have around for times when he indulges and I try my best not to join him.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I dont have this problem at all to be honest.
    My husband supports me enormous. And we plan a dinner ahead. He asks if i want to go out and when so i can pre-log.

    But like i said i think the OP has to talk to her partner to make him clear how she feels about this situation.
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Maybe he just needed you to say "WTH"? I know with my husband that we have to support each other. Sometimes he is the strong one telling me to get to the gym and sometimes I'm the strong one. You shouldn't take it as an affront. Just say 'are u kidding me?'
  • annc3333
    annc3333 Posts: 16 Member
    It would be nice to have a partner to go through this journey with, but in the end, you are going to do it or you aren't. Personally, I've only found stress when trying to work with a partner or friend in weight loss. My husband can eat a ton more food than I can, if he cuts back a tablespoon or two of peanut butter he'll be down a couple pounds. It makes me so frustrated and I start to feel victimized that it takes me so much more work. OTOH, I've started diets with girlfriends and when I do better than they do I feel bad for them. For me, it is best when I set myself on the path and just pay attention to what I need to do for that one day. There will always be people putting stuff in your face, you really have to be able to take a deep breath and say "no thanks." Hard, but easier than trying to decide every time whether you are going to eat something or not.
  • rosiorama
    rosiorama Posts: 300 Member
    You're not alone! My husband does similar things and it's a daily struggle to have the will power to say no or limit my portions. And every once in a while I have to tell him that he talks about losing weight but doesn't follow though - and I remind him that he can't keep sabotaging me. Not a perfect 'solution' by any means!
  • rosiorama
    rosiorama Posts: 300 Member
    And congrats on losing 12 pounds! You're doing awesome!
  • Weightlosstips
    Weightlosstips Posts: 59 Member
    Support is always better and easier on the journey, but remember the end goal is you, so do what you have to do. Speak to husband about it and hopefully he will follow through and join you.
  • You should be direct with him and say something like, "I thought you were going to be tracking your calorie intake with MyFitnessPal along with me. Are you giving up?" For some people, tracking food makes them think of food more, not less, so maybe he's struggling with that. On the other hand, sometimes people sabotage loved ones out of insecurity (if she slims down, she might gain more attention and eventually leave me). Or maybe he's just not as committed to tracking as you are. You never know what's going on until you discuss.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    My husband snacks at night before bed. He can afford to. He used to offer me some of his snack, but I've said "no" so many times that he doesn't offer any more. It works for us.
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    My husband is thin and eats whatever he wants. He constantly brings home pastry etc. I am supposed to be lowering my cholesterol ... I have binge eating disorder and a strong desire to eat sugar all the time. I've had MANY talks with him about this and he says he'll stop buying junk food and it lasts about a week at most.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    YOUR NEVER ALONE!, get out there and kick some butt! YOU CAN DO IT!