going through a heart break.. need support

hey guys.. so basically.. I just got broken up with (5 year relationship) and i was doing this weight loss journey for him so we could get married... now im broken hearted and literally have no motivation... if people could add me as a friend and support me on my way i would appreciate that so much..


  • fortworthsteeler
    sounds good, i need some motivation as well, it is a major struggle but you can do it
  • kathyrobinson5
    The only reason u should lose weight is for u. Once u start the journey it will feel so worth while when u reach your goal. U have support from a person u have never met. Go becca lovely113! You can do it!
  • hammarst
    You've got this, Becca! :)
  • Eagerlylookingforward
    The best thing to do is lose the weight anyways. Then you can see that you can do this for yourself, he was not the right one . You will meet the right person who will be supporting no matter what you are doing. Then you will not need to lose weight for a wedding because you will already be at ideal weight.
  • cidgrad90
    Lose the weight for yourself. When you do and he sees you, that will be retribution in itself.
  • ssssuperkate
    I'll support you! :smile:
  • leggski0072000
    leggski0072000 Posts: 6 Member
    Awww. Im sry about ur relationship. I completly understand ur pain. If u know how to add friends add me. :)
  • dipit
    dipit Posts: 3
    You got this girl! He will see what he missed out on. So go get it.
  • sarahb1340
    You can do it! Stay positive girl! His loss!
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    ((( <3 )))
  • chris42376
    chris42376 Posts: 83 Member
    You've got this. :)
  • Waltonlauren
    Waltonlauren Posts: 5 Member
    Do it!!! Do it!!!! Do it!!!