Anyone else just getting started and have about 50-60 lbs to lose?



  • Hi all, I'm looking to lose 40lbs pls feel free to add me I would love to meet new friends in the same boat as me and be supportive to you all :smiley: x
  • E02L05
    E02L05 Posts: 9 Member
    ME! I just started (again) yesterday 1/12/15, I'm at 209 (my heaviest ever) and my goal is 140. Hoping to lose 40 by August.
  • loujen1
    loujen1 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm just a little ahead, this is day 16 for me, I'm doing everything except drinking a lot if water and the scale isn't moving but having more motivation would be welcomed, please friend me
  • LEJ2015
    LEJ2015 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm looking for motivation and help in losing my initial 50 pounds! I'd love to help motivate others as well, so add me if you like (-:
  • Hi everyone,
    I an currently 205 ht is 5,2 , my start wieght was 212 iv been on mpf for about a week and a half now it has worked for me so far, my goal wieght in the long run is 145 but short term goal is to get under 200! I have a problem with eating healthy mostly because my husband eats what he wants and that is usually what gets cooked... but im going to be trying a veggie diet to see if that would help!
  • fayeth1st
    fayeth1st Posts: 22 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm new to MFP, looking to loose 50 lbs by August or at least 30...please add me for support and I'll do the same
  • mrskitt
    mrskitt Posts: 4 Member
    210 looking to get to 150! This is easier with support!! Let's do this!!
  • eeelizabeth2012
    eeelizabeth2012 Posts: 132 Member
    I wanna lose 50-60. Feel free to add me.
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    I don't know if you consider 78 days just in, but I feel like I am still just starting. I am 19 lbs down, with another 41 to lose. Starting weight 226, current 207 and goal weight 165 (maybe a little more, we will see!). Over all I had a 61 lb weight loss goal. I am about 1/3 of the way there! :) Good luck! You can do it!
  • bmbilvr
    bmbilvr Posts: 20 Member
    im right there too!! I have 60 to lose so please add me too!!!
  • Kins10
    Kins10 Posts: 3
    I'm back again after being gone for a while. My problem is being consistent as far as logging. I've gained 10 pounds since about this time last year and I'm getting married in October! So I need to get on it! I love MyFitnessPal and find I do better keeping track than doing it on my own. It makes you accountable! My weight is 182 and I raised my goal from 120 to 130. I'd love to join y'all!
  • Kins10
    Kins10 Posts: 3
    P.S. this is the first time I'm reaching out to anyone on here.
  • menotyou56
    menotyou56 Posts: 178 Member
    Me! I'm 255 want to get to 170. Seems impossible but I'm giving it a shot. Good luck OP and everybody else in the thread.
  • I am in as well!!! Started at 211, goal is 165... I got started about 10 days ago and this morning I weighed in at 206.5!!!!
  • Yes! I'm at ultimate goal is 175, but I'd like to get under 200 before my wedding in September.
  • Hi Ladies,
    please add me, I would love to join all of you I was 219 and now i am 200 pounds. My goal is 140.
  • Avidcutz
    Avidcutz Posts: 29 Member
    edited January 2015
    Right here, Started at 180, I'm at 173 now, my goal is 110 (a Grand total of 70 pounds to lose, I stand at a complicated 4'11 and a half feet).
    There's a group called 50 Lbs By July and they're super active on their forums and are keeping track via an accessible gdocs excel sheet of everyone's weight loss.
    But there are tons of 50lb+ weight loss groups- check em out!
  • Gained a ton of weight over the last year and a half and have recently started a diet and low impact cardio routine with the ultimate goal of dropping from 245 lbs down to 185 lbs. A 60 lb weight loss goal is certainly daunting! Gotta remain on track and focussed! Hope you are all doing well progressing towards your current goals. God bless!
  • sarena77
    sarena77 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to be a part of this group to please. I'm 200 and aiming for a healthy and steady weight loss to hopefully 150.
  • fittermon
    fittermon Posts: 10 Member
    This is day 10 for me of a 10-week challenge through my local community center. I've been doing classes there Mon-Thurs nights, 2 hours a night, one 60 min class on either Fri or Sat and then walked 35 min on off day. I just go at my own pace but it's still really hard. I'm trying to balance calorie intake with all the activity but I am getting energy back and I feel like it helps me make better food choices (added bonus of not being home to snack as much in the evening). My husband is super supportive - main challenge is busy kids/schedule and MAKING those good choices. Good luck everyone, feel free to friend me and my diary is an open book (even the ugly). Also, for anyone who has advice, especially about the activity and whether to eat back calories and if so how many, PLEASE do so!