bit of help, please

Hi there,

I started using MFP a couple of months ago, but only for a few days and have only started to count everything up properly since yesterday.

I have three 45 minute spin classes, two 60 minute zumba classes and one 45 minute dance class a week at my local gym. I sometimes don't do the all my but try to do at least 2x zumba and 2x spin a week.

I also walk to work and back every day (15 minutes each way).

My daily intake was probably around 1500 calories then to have exercise knocked off from rough calculations, so not too different from what this website has recommended for me which is 1200.

What I've struggled with is that I've been following this exercise routine for about 2 months now and my eating habits have improved a lot throughout, but instead of losing any weight so far, I've gained around 10 lbs instead. I've been told this accounts for fat turning to muscle but I have more fat than before and have gone up a trouser size.

Anyone have any ideas, recommendations on what's best to eat to follow this plan and lose around 2 lbs a week?

My goal is to drop from 154 to 130 lbs by the end of July.

I've never tried any other diets or weight loss systems, think I have a chance of reaching my goal?


  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    So, you are eating a NET of 1,200-1,500 calories per day, or you are eating 1,200-1,500 calories per day and exercising and not eating those exercise calories back? It makes a big difference.

    It's hard to know what you might be doing wrong when you've only been tracking your food properly for a couple of days, especially since the 10 pounds were put back on over 2 months time. Surely, the 10 pounds didn't show up only since you're been tracking properly here on MFP. I am sure it has a lot to do with whatever you've been eating the past 2 months which you have no record of since you started using MFP just recently.
  • Lisone
    Lisone Posts: 78 Member
    What kinds of foods are you typically eating? High fiber? High fat/protein? High carb vs. lower carb?

    I find the more "whole grains," and fiborous foods I eat, the less I eat overall and the fuller I am at the end of the day. I eat a lot of pre-packaged Plain Oatmeal with Splenda or Equal, Plain Greek Yogurt with a tsp of low fat Peanut Butter (yumm!) carrots with hommus, low fat string cheese... almonds.. etc.

    Friend request me if you think it might help and I will look at your food journal if you want!! If not, that's okay too. ;)
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    You can't convert fat into muscle. You can burn off fat and then build muscle, but it doesn't magically convert from subcutaneous adipose tissue to voluntary skeletal muscle.

    The thing about exercise is that it would be a little more beneficial for you to be able to accurately track your calorie expenditures from exercise via HRM [preferably with a chest strap] or BodyBugg type device. "Rough calculations" may be either over or underestimating your burns and therefore, any intake you have may be off, which could cause the weight gain.

    And just to avoid the whole "starvation mode" argument, make sure you eat your exercise calories.

    Links are provided inside as reference.
  • nayagan
    nayagan Posts: 13
    The way to losing weight is through your diet. Diet accounts for more than 50% of weight loss. So make sure you are counting calories and are not under-estimating portion sizes. Psychologists have done studies and found that most people under-estimate calories by 50%.

    There is no way that you cannot lose weight if you are actually eating 1200 calories. Its just not possible.

    15lbs by July might be a bit much. But 2lbs/wk is not out of the question.

    Here's hoping you get there.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your food? Have you used a heart rate monitor during your classes?

    When we are eyeballing our food and guessing how hard we are working, we often underestimate what we eat and overestimate what we burn.

    I even saw a study last year that if you showed people a plate of hamburger and fries and another plate with the same hamburger and fries, plus a salad, they would usually guess that the plate with the additional food on it had fewer calories.
  • Chog
    Chog Posts: 7
    Thanks for all your replies.

    I haven't been eating my spare exercise calories, I assumed it was just a bonus to have spares... Now I've read into it in further detail and can see that will have been one of my mistakes.

    I swapped to wholegrain bread, pasta and rice about a month ago, eat about 3 of my 5 a day and a fair few yoghurts and cereal bars.

    I try to spread it all out as snacks throughout the day rather than 3 main meals, drink a lot of water and green tea.

    Thanks again for your advice, everyone :)
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Sounds like you may not be accurately tracking your food.

    You have to be very mindful of portion labels...measure, measure, measure.

    What most people THINK they eat and what they ACTUALLY eat or two very different things.
  • chaimtime
    chaimtime Posts: 18 Member
    Looking at your diary says a lot of quick add calories. That doesn't track carbs, fat, sodium, and other nutrients. It isn't just about calories. Eating 100 whole grain calories is much better for you than 100 white flour calories. Who knows you could have had a ton of sodium and that is retaining water.

    My first suggestion is to really try to find the proper nutritional information and log that.

    Second suggestion: You already mentioned this but you can only have 1200 calories. Metabolic rates tend to say you need to eat at least 900-1200 calories or your body shuts down. With your deficit you are eating much less than that. You need to really eat your exercise calories back.

    Third: keep at it. You will see a difference.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I would say, watch your sugar intake as well. The whole wheat pasta is ok in *moderation* but I wouldn't eat any pasta daily. Also look at the ingredients in everything you eat..the "light" or "fat free" stuff tends to be loaded with sugar.

    Try playing with the food tracker here to follow your sugar and sodium and cut down on both, and try swapping out some of the grains for proteins and veggies.

    And, as has been said above me, track all the food in your diary instead of just adding the quick calories :) I know it's a pain in the butt but it will pay off for you :)
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I was in a similar place this time last year and spoke with my doc. Turns out my thyroid was out of wack and required treatment. Once I got it under control I have been able to lose slowly. Obviously something medically wrong is not the first assumption but what you are saying sounds so similar to my experience that I thought I would share.