macro calculators

A few things: (1) I welcome any and all suggestions regarding what macro calculators to use. (2) I'm exactly one month from the end of a bulk and ideally would like to get to 195, but my weight is fluctuating around 185lbs, therefore I'm looking to increase my current macro ratios (carbs mainly) to accommodate for a 100cal increase/day. (3) Based on, at 15% BF, and 3500 cals/day I've set my macro multipliers at the following: 1g protein/LBM, .45g fat/LBM, and carbs fill out the rest. The calculator suggests I set my macros to 559c/158p/71f.

What I'm looking for is a few general rule of thumb pieces of advice in terms of how to calculate macros consistently, and further, suggestions on what to do a month from today when I begin a cut. My cut is going to be slow and methodical as to mitigate % muscle loss in comparison to fat. (Maintenance is estimated around 2800/cals).

Thanks in advance, all. And if we're not already friends on MFP, feel free :)


  • beast919
    beast919 Posts: 4 Member
    What I do is make sure I get 1g of protein per lb of body weight, then fill 30% of my calories with fats then the rest with carbs. However you can adjust carbs and fats depending on personal preference, just make sure fats take up atleast 20% of your total calorie intake for the day
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    That ratio looks good to me.

    Just set MFP to the closest %age.

    For the cut: personally, I keep my protein and fat the same and lower my carbs.
  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thank you both for the replies.

    Beast919: I've read studies suggesting .82g's protein/lb body weight is most efficient. That said, eating more protein probably isn't harmful, just hasn't proven to be more helpful and is more expensive, so I stick closer to .82/lb (1g/lb of LBM).

    3laine75, I was thinking the same for the cut. Again, thank you!
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    Keep lifting too with as minimal cardio as you can get away with. Cardio will distract from all the gains. You seem to know what you're doing.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    3laine75 wrote: »
    That ratio looks good to me.

    Just set MFP to the closest %age.

    For the cut: personally, I keep my protein and fat the same and lower my carbs.
