Struggling with Hispanic food

Hey guys my name is Kim:)
Just like many of you I have decided to change my lifestyle and eat clean!
One problem I am Hispanic and the food we make is fattening!! The tamales, tortillas, rice,etc it's horrible!! I seem like I'm the odd ball in the family ..
I have dropped 5 pant sizes and 10 pounds in 4 months which is awesome


  • youngmommy2
    youngmommy2 Posts: 71 Member
    Congratulations That's amazing! I'm Cuban and Italian so I know how it is. anything that has to do with family is focused around eating huge amounts of unhealthy foods and if you don't something's wrong with you lol.
    Do you do any of the cooking? is an amazing site and she has found ways to lighten up many Hispanic dishes like penil, rice and beans. everything that I have made from her site has been delicious.
    Keep up the good work and don't worry about everyone else.