don't know what I'm doing :(

How do you stay motivated when you have no one to turn to. When you have no support and when you can't stand looking in the mirror anymore. I want to get fit no...i need to get fit. I don't want to be scared to go places anymore. I don't want to miss out on my life anymore. I need help. -jessica


  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    Jessica, it can help to make a list of meaningful reasons you want to lose weight. As for, "I don't want to be scared to go places anymore", that's a separate issue from your weight. Check out . You don't have to put your life on-hold. :)
  • Freedm16
    Freedm16 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I don't know if this would be possible in the area you live in, but look into joining a crossfit gym. I know there is a lot of taboo out there about them but most of it is not true. I have been a crossfit coach for years now and the benefits are great! you will learn how to give your body a good workout and most gyms have coaches who also have a pretty good idea of what does and does not work nutritionally. But the best thing, is that there is a great sense of community in these gyms and you will meet like minded people who feel for you and your struggle and will be there for you to workout with, talk to and gain support from.

    Let me know if you have any questions regarding this :) Good Luck!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Jessica wrote:
    How do you stay motivated when you have no one to turn to.
    When you have no support and when you can't stand looking in the mirror anymore.
    In short, you're just going to have to decide to do it yourself.
    I'm in the exact same boat. (Or I was, 75 lb ago. Now I _like_ looking in the mirror & I'm really starting to feel good about myself! But still, the only real support I get is here on MFP.)

    I did a newbie help post which includes links to helpful info including sexypants, accurate measuring / logging, setting goals (weight, calories, macros), and motivation / encouragement.

    Sit down & think about why you want to get fit. Write it all down, even the silly or stupid stuff. It doesn't all have to be high & noble ("I want to live longer"), it can be selfish ("I want my ex to look at me & want me back because I look so awesome, so I can snub him & make him feel as bad as he made me feel when he dumped me") or silly ("I want to be able to clip my toenails more easily"). Keep that somewhere that you can refer to it freqently.

    Take a "before" picture. Take a picture every 10 lb you lose.

    Make a list of every 5 lb you're going to lose, every BMI number you're going to drop, when you're going to move from obese to overweight to healthy. Decide on rewards - color your hair, new nail polish, cute socks, new earbuds, a massage, a hike & picnic in a park you haven't been to but always meant to visit...
    As you hit those goals, write the date next to them.

    I weigh myself every morning & put it on the calendar so I can look back a few weeks to see progress (more easily than booting up the computer & coming here).

    Take measurements every 2 weeks or so. Write them down.

    If you have the money to join a gym or take fitness classes (so you're accountable to the instructor, plus you have money invested that you don't want to waste) that can help.

  • TheOriginalNapster
    I'm in a very similar spot. I'm finishing up college, and I want to end on a high note. (really, I want to look good in my grad photos). I think its important to think of it more of a lifestyle than a short-term diet. If you have a weight loss goal, you may get there quickly, but it's almost certain to come back on if you can't maintain your diet. All that being said, it's way easier to stay motivated on here with friends, so find people with similar lifestyles and goals to your own, and get their help too! :)