Turning 21, Losing 22

Hey guys this is Kelsey! I'll be turning 21 in March and I really want to feel awesome about myself on my big day. I want to look back at pictures and be happy about how I looked, and I don't want to worry about sucking in my stomach when I should be having the time of my life. I have an ultimate weight loss goal of -22lbs. I have lost a little over 7lbs so far. I'm not looking for advice, just looking to make some supportive myfitnesspal friends!


  • emmadodds44
    emmadodds44 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Kelsey! I'm also turning 21, but not till December, but I'm going to Budapest for mine so I want to look good!
    Add me and we'll support each other :)
  • YoullFindMeFit
    YoullFindMeFit Posts: 24 Member
    Yay! I don't have many friends my own age on here! Nice to meet you!
  • emmadodds44
    emmadodds44 Posts: 19 Member
    Nice to meet you too! I don't have many either :)
  • Rlyn444
    Rlyn444 Posts: 27
    Same here girl!! I'm looking to lose 15 I just want to be comfortable weight. To young to have to worry to much about it all ha
  • YoullFindMeFit
    YoullFindMeFit Posts: 24 Member
    Yes exactly! We are too young to feel like we have to hide our bodies. Time for change!