How to shake this last 30lbs been stuck for a few weeks!

Can your body really get used to working out?? Even though i change it up i exercise the same days and times, i'm having such a hard time believing that with all the exercise and good eating habits i've had that i can't get through even to the next decade of the 150's... been stuck in the 160's for a month now. I exercise very regularly.. usually around 4-5 days a week... and at least an hour to 2 hours on some days. I am on meal replacements from my doctors office.. so i;m at a loss on why this weight isn't falling off me. Ive been seeing all these great people get down to the 130's and i'm really trying hard to get there.. seems like my body is so stuck to this weight... how did you break your biggest plateau's??? Thanks in advance!!


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited January 2015
    Careful logging and I used a food scale. Changed my workout routine. Lifted more and did different cardio.
  • TashaSc82
    TashaSc82 Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds like your body has become accustomed to the routine. You made need to intensify your workouts, increase weights etc...This has been a common occurrence for me and this is what has helped me in the past...feel free to add me
  • holpak
    holpak Posts: 39 Member
    Logging has been a great tool. i know some of this is from the holidays... but i'm really wanting to lock in and get to my goal. I did just recently add in some boxing to change things up.. i do tend to love to get on the elliptical... but i only do that as a warm-up to my class that i attend or if i'm not going to class i lift weights and do some sort of cardio. I will try to increase my weights and see if that makes a difference. I did just recently clean out my dvd's and forgot about all the great exercise videos i have.. so i think i may try to do one of these at home to add some extra workout time in.
  • Arliah
    Arliah Posts: 266 Member
    I have been plateauing, too, for the past few weeks (I was still on WeightWatchers then), and when I switched over to MFP + Jawbone UP24, I discovered that 1) my fat intake was way too low (some days I didn't even hit 10%), but my calorie deficit was also too much. Sometimes we think we don't do enough when, in fact, we are sabotaging ourselves by trying too hard. Good luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The tricky part about switching up your exercise is that sometimes this causes more weight fluctuations as your muscles will retain water as part of the natural healing process. It's kind of like the healing reaction when you twist your ankle and it swells...only not as visually obvious as it's spread out over a larger area. Basically if you're sore, you might stall out on the scale or even be up a pound or two. A lot of people mistake this for muscle gain but that's actually tough to accomplish, especially for us women.

    The problem may be more in your admitted holiday lapses and you just need to be more patient. We tend to think that restarts will show great successes but sometimes that's just not the case. As long as you're eating within your calorie goal, you will lose. The scale just doesn't always show progress right away. Pay more attention to how your clothes fit and maybe take body measurements and progress pics.
  • CoachPriscilla
    Your body can definitely get used to your routines. Even if you think you are shaking things up, you may not be shaking them up enough. For example, using treadmill and then using elliptical is not changing things up.

    Over the past year, I have discovered the joys and benefits of weight / resistance training. I was a cardio addict but find now that weight training is actually changing the shape of my body. Having more muscle burns more calories. So I would suggest looking at what you are doing and adding more weight work in. I do weight training 3x week, heavy cardio 1x, and PiYo (pilates/yoga) 2x. In there I mix up the actual routines done on each day so that I always have some muscle confusion going on.

    FR me!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    holpak wrote: »
    Can your body really get used to working out?? Even though i change it up i exercise the same days and times, i'm having such a hard time believing that with all the exercise and good eating habits i've had that i can't get through even to the next decade of the 150's... been stuck in the 160's for a month now. I exercise very regularly.. usually around 4-5 days a week... and at least an hour to 2 hours on some days. I am on meal replacements from my doctors office.. so i;m at a loss on why this weight isn't falling off me. Ive been seeing all these great people get down to the 130's and i'm really trying hard to get there.. seems like my body is so stuck to this weight... how did you break your biggest plateau's??? Thanks in advance!!
    Yes, your body can get used to working out. It becomes more efficient at doing the same thing over time. Plus, you've lost weight so you're not burning as many calories doing the same exercises anyway.

    However, if you're not eating less calories than you're burning, you aren't going to lose weight, regardless of how much cardio you're doing. You didn't talk about calories so have you been logging and eating less than your goal? I'm assuming you didn't over the holidays since you mentioned that and it's probably why you've stalled.

    Get back into the habit of weighing and measuring your food and logging everything. Try switching up your cardio routine. Don't do it longer, you're already doing a lot more than you need to do, just up the intensity or try something completely different. You might also try strength training.

  • holpak
    holpak Posts: 39 Member
    So much great advice here thanks so much everyone! I'll open up my diary settings maybe some of you can tell me if i'm doing something wrong... of course yes i think my holiday splurge has extended this plateau.. but it seems like every time i'm on the crisp of breaking into the 150's something goes very well could be just a mental thing. Self sabotage unknowingly...I'm going to take all your advice and try switching things up.. i do strength train too...I think i may start these jillian michaels dvd's i found for my tuesday gym day and see if this is a good change up. Please friend me as i'm always looking for motivation and friends. Thanks again!
  • PinkSuede
    PinkSuede Posts: 49 Member
    I viewed your diary. You may need to switch up the diet. On a daily basis it looks like you're eating too few calories. Your body has probably adjusted to that and may be in "starvation mode" as they say.

    I'd start by replacing 1 meal a day with a real "clean" meal. Lots of veggies and protein. Give your body some variety. When you stall allow yourself to go over calorie for a couple days. Not crazy over calories but just a couple hundred. I'm on 1500 cal and have been for a long time. When I stall at 1500 I increase my intake to between 1600-1800 for 2-3 days then drop back down to 1300-1500 and it starts to come off again. You may see a slight weight increase in weight (1-2 lbs) for a couple days following the calorie increase (will mostly be water retention) but it will drop back quickly. I just had to do this... took the weekend off and scale said I gained 1.5 lbs but by today I was down another 5 (so basically an extra 3.5 down... seems to happen overnight).

    I tried looking for ingredients on the Tague meals but no luck. I'd check the ingredients on those. A lot of those meal replacement programs contain a lot of preservatives, artificial sweeteners, processed ingredients etc and those can stall weightloss too.
  • jessypug
    jessypug Posts: 142 Member
    Agree with ^ Mix up your meals! Its all a bit samey. Get in some fresh fruits and veggies and just watch your sodium intake :) Keep at it, your doing a really great job!