New, but been at it for months.

wvmark41 Posts: 124 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
:laugh: I've been using MFP app on my phone since December and have lost 42 pounds in just over 4 months. Just this week I realized that there is an entire online community of WONDERFUL people to share weight loss secrets, tips, encouragement, and humor. In the few days my motivation level has increased tremendously because of the great people with whom I've chatted on this site.

I just want to say, "thank-you" to those who have made me smile this week.

Furthermore, I want to encourage everyone to keep up the friendly words of inspiration that you give each other. It really makes a positive difference in the hearts & minds of those who read it. Keep up the good work!

So, here's my introduction: I used to be in wonderful shape in my teens through mid-thirties. However, being desk bound in graduate school and work led me down a path to the store to buy larger clothes. I finally got sick & tired of being sick & tired and sore. I was shocked when I saw recent pictures of myself. I'd ask, "How did I get so fat?" I purchased bathroom scales and was mortified at my weight.

Immediately I looked for a diet application for my phone to start getting back into shape. I knew how to get back in the physical routines slowly & safely, but I had no sense of dietary skills. Wow, what a difference this has made in my life!

The first month or two I lost about 2 pounds per week, but no one seemed to notice. I stayed the course these past few months and now people at work are noticing my significant weight loss. It sounds good to hear, "My goodness, you've really lost weight!" I'm easily wearing clothes that I couldn't even begin to wear in January.

I love this application. I really enjoy the online community. Stick with it, everyone! Thanks.


  • nikkinikki113
    nikkinikki113 Posts: 279 Member
    You're going to do great!!
  • I can really identify with you. I know what it is like to be in your postition. My heaviest weight was years ago 275lb. However Last fall I weighed in around 243 lbs. I started a program that helped to loose 38 lbs. It was a healthy program. But they wanted me to have my weight off at a certain time. I don't like to set goals like that. It will come when it comes. I get very discoureged if I don't reach goals. I just think of this as a journey. So I started this site in Febuary and have been on my own since. The weight is coming off more in inches than in lbs but it is coming. I have lost 45 all together and have about 30 more to go. I love the friends and the motivation. That is truly what keeps me going.
    It can be a hard road sometimes so it helps to have friends and supporters who will help along the way. I love that line in the movie Nemo when Dori is swimming along it's one of my favorite quotes

    "Just keep swimming just keep swimming" :love:
    we have to we can never give up
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    How inspirational. Thank you for sharing your story...
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