I'm back at it.....again!

Well about 2 years ago I lost almost 30 pounds and looked and felt so good! Then life happened and I fell off track and have been on and off since then. I just recently joined Curves and they did all of my tests and I've gained 34 pounds back. UGH!! SO.....Now I'm on a mission starting today to lose the 34 pounds that I gained. I plan on tracking my food on here again so that I am accountable and working out at Curves and also taking a few YOGA classes. I hope to start working out at home too once I get back into the swing of things.

Hoping that being on here again will help me out and keep me motivated. Just saying Hello to you all. Wish me luck!


  • trishd6
    trishd6 Posts: 20
    Welcome back and good luck to you! I am recently back as well after falling off the wagon. You are welcome to add me as a friend if you need support!
  • gettingback1
    gettingback1 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome back. I'm with you ladies. Need to lose 25 pounds to get back healthy weight. I had lost 10 pounds and got too happy to pay attention to my eating habits. Please add me. I would love some support.
  • tissie72
    tissie72 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi ladies mine is a similar story I lost approx 23kgs with weight watchers about 2years ago and felt so proud - was well on my way to where I wanted to be. Slowly but surely I fell off the track and started back on old habits of eating and not exercising. So here I am with 10 of the 23 kg back on and determined to make this a lifetime change not just a goal reaching change. Would welcome all the support I could get as well as offering my support back. So please feel free to add me.
  • KarenJ15
    KarenJ15 Posts: 81 Member
    Good luck! Does your Curves have the Jillian Michaels workouts, along with the new Body Basic and specialty classes? I am a fitness coach at Curves and our member have seen great results with those added to the circuit. :)
  • BrownsFan19
    BrownsFan19 Posts: 117 Member
    Yes they have all of that. I really like it so far.