This will be the first time EVER I am really actually serious about taking what I want.

taymam Posts: 55 Member
I have always been over weight and had issues with self esteem. I never believed I was worthy of the image I wanted for myself. Then I had children. As my body got worse from the miracle of pregnancy and birth my self esteem plummeted to an all time low. But at the same time I look at my children and feel a huge desire to set a good example, to be the mom that plays with her children and not just sits off to the side. There are so many things that I'm interested in that I just can't do while obese. That ends now, I will become the person I've always wanted to be, no more blaming my past or making excuses. I just want some friends to help motivate me, and challenge me I work really well in competitive situations.

Add me if you want to be friends.


  • tcscholz554
    tcscholz554 Posts: 43 Member
    Good for you!!!
    I feel the same! :) after a few weeks of working out and eating healthy I already feel better about myself. Good luck to you!!!
  • mcclelland0484
    mcclelland0484 Posts: 55 Member
    My wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in July. I was 365 lbs and 38 years old. A health assessment at work told me I was pre diabetic, had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I realized that day that in order to see my baby grow up, get married and have grand babies, I possible needed to live to 68+ yrs 9old. I want to be there for my little girl. It's the only motivator that ever worked for me.
  • mcclelland0484
    mcclelland0484 Posts: 55 Member
  • Hey! I am just trying to lose my baby weight right now... I actually lost 50lbs back in 2012 but gained a lot during pregnancy so here I am, back at square one! I just joined a challenge that has been nice for the accountability piece. I'd love to have you on my team! Let me know if you are interested! Good luck!
  • louandhad2003
    louandhad2003 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello all looks like 2015 is time to take back control lets do this!
  • taymam
    taymam Posts: 55 Member

    I'm glad I'm looking in the right place for motivation. It's crazy how when you have children you're able to dig deep to find the strength to do things you never thought possible. Good for you! Your family looks beautiful.
  • DavesGoal185
    DavesGoal185 Posts: 54 Member
    Lots of things can mess up our self esteem and keep us from doing what we really want and need to do. I think most of us have been there at some time or another. MFP is awesome inthat we all know what ech of us is going though and dealing with. Support here is awesome. I will send a frien request.