
alibaba0310 Posts: 94
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
hi mfpers! so for a few weeks now iv been stuck around 159. i just CANT lose anymore weight! i still have a ways to go (my goal weight is 140) so im just really confused. i have tried all the usual tips like up your calorie intake (actually made me gain weight), and double your workout and stuff (did nothing). any suggestions?? i really just want to get past this! thank you!!! =)


  • man, i am on the same boat! someone help!
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I have heard that you should change your workout routine. Do something you've never done before and it's supposed to help with plateaus. I haven't hit a plateau yet and not looking forward to it when it happens....
  • dancinblonde0099
    dancinblonde0099 Posts: 118 Member
    Looks like im in the same boat also! It's starting to get frusterating! Atleast I know I'm not alone!
  • You are not alone! I plateaued for the second time and stayed at 160 for two weeks. It was frustrating. I kept reading other increasing their calorie intake and changing their workout routine. I did that this week and had a breakthrough, finally! Hope you find what works. :) Good luck!
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    maybe a cleanse of some sort or making your workouts harder! Or even just taking a break from what you are currently doing! I did the shakeology cleanse for 2 days and helped me some! Good luck!
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    There are plenty of posts on here about how to deal with plateaus, but I remember that Jillian Michael's said something about eating about 500 - 750 calories higher than your normal daily calories for 2-3 days, AND change up your exercise routines. Either start doing interval training, or higher intensity. I followed her advice when I had hit a plateau, and it worked.
  • micahman
    micahman Posts: 15 Member
    I have lost a total of 140 lbs then gain about 15 back over the last 6 years. I lose it and then gain it back. I have worked out for this 6 years also aprox. 1-1 1/2 hours 6 days a week. I have lost weight and then gain muscle. My body fat is at 21% it was 29% one year ago. So that is good. But I still want to lose the 15 lbs. My highest weight has been 298 and my lowest was 155. That is what I want to weigh now. So I weigh 165.. LOL
    I have been reading Tosca Reno Eat Clean Diet striped. I will be trying that within the next 2 days. I want to read her book all the way through before starting. So I am hoping this works for me and you might want to try it. Really what it is, is no processed food, sugar, pop. Which is really the best thing for you. You will eat lots of fruits and veg's which is going to be in season soon.
    Also make sure you keep a journal of what you eat and your exc routine. Good luck and God Bless
  • alibaba0310
    alibaba0310 Posts: 94
    thanks for your help guys! iv been doing the 30DS, and today was my last day of level 1 so my workout will be mixed up tomorrow! =)
  • 15off
    15off Posts: 48 Member
    Maybe change up the foods you eat..change your foods. Also try focusing on one really complete meal a day and make the other 2 really light meals. The other thing that works for me is skipping dinner 3-4 days a week...although that takes a lot of self control..but it will help you get past the plateau..
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    When I hit a plateau it's 3-4wks no matter what I do. It just like my body needs that time to adjust. Then all of a sudden, I'll have a 1-2lbs loss. I do try to up my cals for a few days though, zig-zag them a bit and up my workout intensity and try to do something different. It usually works. And eating clean. Honestly brushing up on my nutrition is key.
  • jayvrdrjn
    jayvrdrjn Posts: 11 Member
    You are not alone! I have been hanging around 159 lbs for the last 2 months. I need to lose 10 pounds but it is a real struggle. I too have tried everything you mentioned - eating less, eating more, changing workouts, watching sodium, watching carbs etc etc. I have been zigzagging calories for the last 10 days - its a bit of work since MFP does not allow you to customize calorie goals for different days. I have avoided weighing myself but plan to do that this weekend! I can tell that my clothes fit better so hopefully the weight will come off at some point.
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