30 Day Shred - is it good? any results?

Due to busy family schedule this week, I'm unable to get to the gym so I bought this hoping it's a good one to get a workout in those days I can't go.
Anyone have success with this? I wish I could afford a Shaun T Insanity type but this was more in the price range I have right now.
Thanks y'all. :)


  • wreath7
    wreath7 Posts: 104 Member
    i am on the 5th day of mine and all i know is i've been sore but see improvements in endurance.
  • Hungry_Annie
    Hungry_Annie Posts: 807 Member
    Its a great workout. I made it to day 17 2 years ago, and I couldn't believe the changes in that short time. I had poor form on side lunges and hurt my knee so I stopped. I have started it several times since, but I haven't completed it. You will more likely lose inches more than pounds. I recommend it!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Do it! I can't recommend it enough (unless you have a knee or back injury). That was my restart to exercise a couple years ago. I bought Insanity, but I will build up to it later. I had to stop exercise for health reasons, but restarted again this January with more Jillian Michaels (Body Revolution this time) because I love her workouts so much!
  • sugarplum82
    sugarplum82 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on day 3! Already feeling more toned :) Ache from top to toe!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    It's a great workout especially if you don't have a lot of time or the inclination to get into a gym.
  • rahnia
    rahnia Posts: 36 Member
    Great workout. Great results as long as you challenge yourself. Scale didn't move much but lost 14 inches overall! Saw definition in my abs & first time in a while I saw my obliques.

    I paired the dvd with an additional 45-60mins on the elliptical.

    Hope you enjoy it.
  • Oh good. I'm happy to see the positive responses. I'm hoping to add this to my cardio routine as well. All I do is the elliptical at the gym, feel like I need a bit more.

  • bassclef19
    bassclef19 Posts: 53 Member
    This video is intense. By the end I would be in a fetal position.. Sobbing.. Lol. Seriously though tough workout and you see results when you're eating well.
  • kellyhas4kiddos
    kellyhas4kiddos Posts: 1 Member
    I did it for the full 30 days and definitely saw results, but the scale didn't move much. But I felt so much stronger and my clothes fit better. The only thing I didn't like was doing the same thing for 10 days in a row...drove me crazy, lol. If I ever start it up again, I would mix the levels up.
  • I am on day 6 and i have lost 5 pounds. I love the workout but yes i agree doing the same thing over and over gets old but so far i have stuck to it. I love it!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    It is GREAT. Take your measurements. The weight loss may be small to you (maybe 4 pounds in a month when I did it) but the inches lost are HUGE. Also, pay attention to your pushups and jumping jacks. You will grow stronger, and it is easy to forget that when the scale doesn't budge. Have a buddy take weekly pictures. You will see a difference. PS my chiropractor says I can start this again next week and I can't wait (as previously stated it can be hard on the knees as well as the back and neck and I have to be careful there). When I did it before, I alternated one day of shred and 1 day of cardio, usually her kickbox dvd which is also excellent. I did 6 workouts a week and 1 off day. I couldn't do it every day back to back because I felt sore. Some do, some don't, she never recommends that anyways. It is a great whole body workout.
  • ladonna024
    ladonna024 Posts: 1 Member
    Im on day 6 and i can notice a difference in my endurance. Looking forward to seeing how i feel by the end of the 30 days!
  • 30DS is awesome, I've gotten awesome results each time I've done it! It helped me lose 50 lb. :smile: I've started my 3rd round now, on day 3 of level one! Definitely take your measurements, you'll see a huge difference there!