Starting a journey

I am new here, but I am motivated, I have in the past 8months gained around 20lbs as I was drinking Every Night thinking it was okay to do. I went from having a beer to a larger beer to having a few large drinks Each night. I realized I had a problem when I was hiding beer cans from my husband and unable to function every morning due to being hung over. A little over A week ago I decided I needed to lose some of the weight I I ate a salad. I then had a six pack that night, then drunk, I picked through whatever sounded good. As hard as It has been, I realized it was more than my eating habits, more than the fact that I have not exercised. I was/ am an alcoholic. I'm not sure if I am due to the fact that I have stopped drinking. this will be 5 days without any alcohol, I have replaced it with exercise, and lots of healthy eating. I am afraid if I have a drank again, I will fall right back into that routine, starting out with just one and then it will become an every night thing. One thing is I never realized I could be this happy without drinking. I would get MAD if I didn't have beer, but I wouldn't ever be happy drinking, just numb. I am here to start a journey, and change my life, Feel better about myself, eat better, and exercise. I want and need to be healthy for myself and my family. Mostly anyone and everyone I know drinks, if they want to hang out we drank, if we have a conversation its about drinking or partying. I am hoping to find some new friends here with similar goals of living a healthier life. I'm not to worried about losing a large sum of weight but I would like to lose the 20lbs I had gained and find some energy. I am surprising myself everyday that I step in the right direction, I would love support or someone to talk to if anyone would like to add me as their friend. I'm off to a good start and I hope to stay on the right track but everyone comes across bad days and I would like to find motivation on a bad day rather than a friend beg me to go out for a drank.


  • bellabutt3
    bellabutt3 Posts: 105 Member
    Wow girl...don't know how old you are but you sure are wise! What a story to tell. I've never really had a drinking problem but several close to me have and do.
    I am pulling for you! You'll be surprized how fast you drop weight!
    Friends should want the best for you, ig they don't...are they really friends?
  • jessicahyde
    jessicahyde Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, great to see you join the MFP family. everyone needs a little support and motivation every once and a while. Don't get overwhelmed with the long term goal i have learned just take my goals on day at a time. (like when you really want pizza but go for the salad instead because your goal is to eat healthier and lose weight.)
    *would love to be friends*