I'm new here & would like some friends?

Hi, my name is Allyssa. I just started my journey & would like to talk or get tips from anyone who can help me with proper nutrition or just anything:-) I hope I meet some nice people here!! I'm ready to lose this weight & begin living again!!! Anyone that is already on one or just started I'd love to keep in touch or maybe just keep eachother motivated on those days we feel like we can't move forward....
Friend me, message me love me lol :-)


  • katekc22
    katekc22 Posts: 57 Member
    Good luck with everything ! I'm also looking for people to help me stay motivated! Weight loss and getting healthy isn't an easy thing and it defiantly helps when you have others who are doing the same thing as you!
  • lyssamonique20
    Thank you! I agree, it is so hard, thanks for the request we should definitely keep in touch :-)
    We can maybe help each other!!
  • Rehan_79
    Rehan_79 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi, I was recently diagnosed with diabetes and have been on a meal plan since nov. I started at 180lbs and I'm currently at 167lbs. I have documentation that the weight loss clinic has provided me that I find helpful and wouldn't mind sharing. Also, I have a friend whose gf is a nutritionist and sent me a .pdf of a book called doctor's the orders that has a lot of recipes in it. Good luck friend! You can do this :)
  • Cheypria
    I just started my journey as well! It's really hard because I'm currently moving so cooking is off the table at the moment. I have been so unhappy with my body and my lifestyle and it's time that I take responsibility for myself. I hope we all can stick to our goals and live happier lives!
  • lyssamonique20
    :-) that's awesome! Thank you so much I would love to know more!
  • joannhoffman89
    Hi, my name is Allyssa. I just started my journey & would like to talk or get tips from anyone who can help me with proper nutrition or just anything:-) I hope I meet some nice people here!! I'm ready to lose this weight & begin living again!!! Anyone that is already on one or just started I'd love to keep in touch or maybe just keep eachother motivated on those days we feel like we can't move forward....
    Friend me, message me love me lol :-)

  • joannhoffman89
    I have been walking and keeping track of food intake. Making healthy food choices. Lost 10 lbs do far. Been diabetic for 9 years want to get off meds. Live a healthy life .
  • howzer123
    howzer123 Posts: 9 Member
    Let's all be mates here! I'm three months in and I feel like a switch has gone and it suddenly gets easier. Well, I mean eating right and working out is still hard but progress makes motivation so much easier. Friendship makes things easier too :) x
  • Ewok31
    Ewok31 Posts: 45 Member
    ill support
  • Dee51979
    Dee51979 Posts: 38 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • gatt20002
    Here to help!!! Looking forward to helping you in your journey!
  • lyssamonique20
    Thank you all<3
  • lyssamonique20
    Anyone wants to ADD me please do! Let's motivate yall!