Different Body Types....

brandicockrum Posts: 121 Member
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay, so I've had issues with my body my whole life. I think it comes partially from idolizing an older sister who was very petite (she passed away Oct 09). I lived a pretty secluded childhood, picked on and made fun of a lot. So I never really developed a "healthy" body image. Always struggling to achieve what I thought I should be. And I have realized as I've gotten older that being 5'8" and "large" framed, that 120lbs will never happen for me. So that was one hurdle.

Also, I've always loved the "trim and thin" look most girls achieve. But I don't think this is me either. I was 135lbs when I met my fiance, and I wasn't "trim". I was muscular, but un-toned, so I was unhappy. I felt fat. So here I am, getting rid of all the excess weight from my pregnancy (where I thought I could eat anything with no consequences) and I'm still not happy. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for how much I've lost so far. But I don't know how to get my body to it's best. I'm okay with being a muscular girl, as long as it's toned I don't see it as fat. But I just don't know how to get there. I exercise at home, and have started walking and even running. Unfortunately I'm in Southern Illinois where it's been raining for weeks, so not much outside time since I have my daughter home with me.

I still have some weight to lose, but I don't want to lose muscle mass either. I know that I can't "spot reduce" but I can still lose excess weight I have so my muscles are more visible. I have the muscles, they just can't be seen clearly because of a layer of fat over them still. Like my stomach for instance, I can see the lines where my ab muscles should be, but they're covered with fat. So I know I will need to lose more weight for them to be visible. My arms are the same way. I have strong arms, but the muscles are covered over with fat.

So I've sat here and rambled on, and haven't really said much I don't think, other than complaining, sorry everyone. I'm just lost, and need some advice. I'm determined to do this, and I'm putting all the food cheating behind me. I can't do it anymore, because I'm just un-doing everything I've worked for to this point. I just don't want to be hungry. I hate the feeling of being hungry.


  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    You can't change the body-type you have, but you can always keep working towards having the best looking body you can have.

    I'd much rather be 6 foot tall. But I'm not. Doesn't mean to give up, I can still look good at 5'7".

    Just like you can look great with your body-type.

    Keep at it.
  • darrenham
    darrenham Posts: 110 Member
    It's worth bearing in mind that we all have a different "default" body fat percentage, and areas of body-fat storage, which our body prefers to maintain. Especially women, women are designed to store fat, and without it can cause themselves a variety of health issues. Stop comparing yourself with others and compare yourself with you :)

    By all means try to lose the excess fat by sensible weightloss techniques and lifestyle changes, but it sounds to me like you need to learn to love your body. Pick your favourite bits and dress to show them off, not to hide your least favourite bits. If you want to improve you, do it, but not to try to compare more favourably with others.

    We're our own worst critics, we always see the bits we expect not to like, others see the whole package. And whilst they might agree than someone's bums a bit big, or someone else has a wobbly belly, they also see the good bits. And I reckon your fiance will agree with me.
  • brandicockrum
    brandicockrum Posts: 121 Member
    You can't change the body-type you have, but you can always keep working towards having the best looking body you can have.

    I'd much rather be 6 foot tall. But I'm not. Doesn't mean to give up, I can still look good at 5'7".

    Just like you can look great with your body-type.

    Keep at it.

    Thank you :) I've had issues with being tall, but I've learned to make the most of it as best I can.
  • brandicockrum
    brandicockrum Posts: 121 Member
    It's worth bearing in mind that we all have a different "default" body fat percentage, and areas of body-fat storage, which our body prefers to maintain. Especially women, women are designed to store fat, and without it can cause themselves a variety of health issues. Stop comparing yourself with others and compare yourself with you :)

    By all means try to lose the excess fat by sensible weightloss techniques and lifestyle changes, but it sounds to me like you need to learn to love your body. Pick your favourite bits and dress to show them off, not to hide your least favourite bits. If you want to improve you, do it, but not to try to compare more favourably with others.

    We're our own worst critics, we always see the bits we expect not to like, others see the whole package. And whilst they might agree than someone's bums a bit big, or someone else has a wobbly belly, they also see the good bits. And I reckon your fiance will agree with me.

    Thank you so much for this. I struggle every day about these issues. I think I've always had a difficult time because the "ideal woman" is so skewed from anything that is possible for most women. Some are naturally lucky to have amazing bodies, I'm just not one of them, lol.

    My fiance actually does tell me to hush a lot about complaining. I always feel very insecure about my body, because before me, anyone he was ever with was very small, short and petite. One, however, had an eating disorder. But that's a whole other can of worms.

    Enough of my rambling yet again, I apologize. I'm just stuck in a rut hoping for some motivation to climb out.
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