Looking for motivation buddies

I have been at this new lifestyle for a week now a very long week without soda or anything other of the things that make my taste buds happy. I have as of today lost seven pounds which is a nice start but I still have a long way to go. Would love to have some people to share motivation with during this journey!


  • Cmf12170
    Cmf12170 Posts: 15 Member
    Great job!!!! My weakness is diet pepsi so kudos for you going soda free. I wish I could do that. Just started back last week with MFP and looking forward to becoming healthier too.
  • tinyguts
    tinyguts Posts: 136 Member
    Woohoo! Congrats on your 7 lb weight loss!! I'll add you - I've been at this website for awhile but have just recently rejoined in hopes of getting a new start.
  • Wow amazing!! I just started my second weight loss journey on Monday! We can do this!! Keep it up!
  • Just started back on MFP again and looking for support trying to loose weight. Looking to connect with others to see what's working fir them and hope to find a weight loss buddy
  • TerriCada
    TerriCada Posts: 1 Member
    I know how you feel, pop was my downfall. It will be worth it when you see the dfference in a few weeks. The first time your jeans don't stay up will make it all worth while. Keep it up
  • madiho
    madiho Posts: 2
    missybfat wrote: »
    Just started back on MFP again and looking for support trying to loose weight. Looking to connect with others to see what's working fir them and hope to find a weight loss buddy

    I have been using MFP for 40 days now.. I have lost 10 pounds .. I would love to have a friend to do it with though...
  • katiekat2121
    katiekat2121 Posts: 10 Member
    Keep it up girl. You can do it. Just started today myself.
  • sequinsquats
    sequinsquats Posts: 5 Member
    7 lbs is awesome! You can add me! :D I'm always open to new friends and will be keeping an open food diary
  • deedavis27
    deedavis27 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there - I only started this week and would really love some extra motivation and support - I don't really get that from my kids (they are both over 20) so I think after the initial enthusiasm wears off I will need something.
  • Asmile4u2c
    Asmile4u2c Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to have some motivation buddies also. I have been on MFP for 60 days and have lost 25 lbs. I really want to stay motivated and keep the weight off.
  • You Roc! I've been at this a month and lost 7 as well, would love to be buddies and support each other to loose weight and get healthier!
  • kimmie7765
    kimmie7765 Posts: 8 Member
    Great Start.........just keep at it one day at a time. You can add me if you like.
  • That's awesome! I also just started MFP again and would love some motivational friends and support as well.
  • shyhandful7
    shyhandful7 Posts: 25 Member
    always welcome new MFPals!