help! two little boys called me fat!

tiffanymariebrock Posts: 47
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Today I reached my goal of losing 10lb before vacation yay:drinker: ! So I decide to go buy a new shirt to show off my smaller tummy. (It's my I-just-lost-10lb shirt and I love it!). So im waiting in line and two little boys are in a cart behing me. I hear one say "wow look at that lady! She's fat!" the other "wow ya she's really really fat!" "she's walking around fat!" :noway: So I turn around and give them the stink eye and they shut up. And their mom, who is pushing the cart that they are in, does nothing! She just pretends like it doesn't happen! I'm so mad I almost leave without buying my shirt:brokenheart: . But I did lose ten pounds so I got the shirt and got out of there before my face could get any more red:embarassed: . Need some love. Please send some my way.


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Aw honey, children are so damn mean! Shame on that mother for allowing that type of talk. My son would never say something like that because he knows how it feels. Congrats on the 10lbs, you're doing a fabulous job
  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    don't worry, my friends sibling was chasing me down one day for fun and he was like "ILL GET THE FAT ONE" yup. haha, though kids know it was wrong or atleast they should they just don't understand feelings yet, don't take it to heart. you'll get over it, and yeah i totally know that feeling though
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    Shame on that mother for not reprimanding those boys!! Congrats on the 10 lbs, that is a huge accomplishment. Put your new shirt on and strut your stuff!
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Oh no :(. Kids are mean. I bet the mom was beyond embarrassed. You do your thing girl.
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    I hope you feel better for sharing! That is aweful! My kids ask me if I am having another baby sometimes. My 4 year old said, "mom, you have a really big butt". Yes, it hurts, but it makes me try harder. Don't let it ruin your day. You feel good and that is what matters! You look very happy in your picture too! Keep up the smiling!
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    Oooh no. If those were my kids, I wouldve slapped them. But they learn from their parents. Shoot, when i was shopping for a bra like five years ago this GROWN women (thinking I couldnt hear) answered her daughters question of what is full figure by saying "well like her. you know fat women." YEAH!! When she realized I heard her she like hunted me down to apoligize, but STILL.
  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    I'm sorry that happened, but guess what? You are TEN pounds lighter and TEN pounds smaller than you were. They don't know that, but you should be proud of that! 10 pounds is wonderful!
    Children often don't know what to refrain from saying, or what is considered rude. In hearing American culture, any negative comment is considered very rude, but you know in deaf culture, it's actually seen as they care enough to comment on it?
    Anyway, like I said before, you're well on your way, be proud of your accomplishments and show it off if you please :)
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Children haven't learned tact so it is understandable that they might say something, but they certainly did not need to be so rude about it, and keep on going on about it with their mother standing right there! Inappropriate. You should be extremely proud of yourself for reaching your goal AND being the mature adult in that insensitive situation. I hope you have a fantastic time on your vacation! :flowerforyou:
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Shame on that mother for not reprimanding those boys!! Congrats on the 10 lbs, that is a huge accomplishment. Put your new shirt on and strut your stuff!

    Exactly!! They are the ones that should feel bad, not you. I would have told that mother to teach her kids some manners (at least I *think* I would have :) Hopefully, she was embarrassed.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Oh, that's AWFUL! I always make sure my kids hush up if they start saying anything about anybody. They usu. don't do it for overweight people, but if someone is missing a limb, they're like, "Mommy! Do you see that man? He has no legs!" Kids are brutally honest, but I always tell them to remember that everyone has feelings, and it's not nice to say things that may be hurtful to those listening. Sending some cyber ((hugs)) your way! You're on your way, so just hang in there!

    And as far as a kid's point of view, just last night my 8 yr old poked at me and said, "Mommy, you're fat!" LOL. Well, I guess my a** isn't rock solid like an 8 yr old's, huh.
  • jamiek89
    jamiek89 Posts: 105
    How rude of that lady!! I took my little cousin shopping once and he said something similar so I made the little **** apologise to her! As it turns out, we got chatting and she is one of my closest friends now!
    Just ignore the kids and rock that 10-lb-lost-tshirt... Youve earned it!
  • n00dlez
    n00dlez Posts: 6
    first, congrats on losing the 10lbs. I know people say kids are mean, but honestly kids dont normally say things like that unless they hear it from someone else, its too bad their mom didn't tell them to mind their own. My kids would never have said anything like that nor would they even think to.
    dont let it bother you, you know you are looking good, and thats what counts!
  • Turn it around to something that pushes you to lose the next 10 pounds...don't let mean people win. Their mother should have told them that was not nice! Some parents just don't teach their kids respect anymore. You have done so good losing 10 proud of yourself!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Children definitely do not have a filter yet between their brains and their mouths. Please don't take it to heart. You're smaller than you were before you started here and you deserve that shirt. I just hit 10 pounds lost myself today so I understand that particular "happy dance".

    My son used to like to come up behind me and jiggle the loose skin underneath my upper arms. Drove me crazy, especially as I don't really have a lot of loose skin there to jiggle. :grumble:
  • Yes, the mother should be embarrassed that she let her boys say that. Kids can be cruel without meaning to--they just don't know any better. If they did, they wouldn't have.

    One of the things that helps me when I have feelings like this is remembering that when someone says anything (about you or anything else) they are really telling you who "they" are. As they can only speak from their own thoughts, experiences, etc. It really has nothing to do with you (I'm not sure if this makes sense to you or not--I hope it does and it helps in any small way).

    Concentrate on the positive steps that you are making. No one else matters except you! Be selfish! Feel proud! And as someone else said, "strut your stuff".

    You are doing great things for yourself that are going to materialize as you continue on this journey, never forget that.
  • thank you everyone! i feel so much better and i should be very proud of myself!
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    little *kitten* asshats!
  • iPockk
    iPockk Posts: 1
    You have done an amazing job. Don't let some rude kids ruin your day. 10 lbs. is a wonderful accomplishment!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Sounds like my children. They are always telling me I am fat.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My niece was hugging me one day and then started poking at my stomach saying 'You're squishy!!'. She thought she was just the most hilarious little thing. :laugh:
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