Zig Zagging Calories



  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    According to NEWFIEDAN - 5/2/11 http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/212510-how-to-zig-zag-cals-properly-caloric-cycling-properly?hl=how+to+zig+zag&page=5

    "...so on your home page after you put in your food and exercise at the end of the day that number (that number being your zig zag goal for that day) should = your net calories...."


    That means EAT BACK your exercise calories otherwise your NET (on the home page summary box, not the food diary totals) won't equal whatever your zig zag goal is. The zig zag goal will not match your MFP numbers since MFP is setup for the same goal 7 days a week and zig zagging isn't. Some days you will be over and some you will be under. It's helpful to put your zig zag goal in your food notes so you (and others if it's public) will know you were zig zagging and not just over/under eating.
    The only time it doesn't make sense to eat back your exercise calories is if you are working off your maintenance numbers.

    As I said earlier, today is my 1680 day (high day). I exercised and burned 575 calories. I've eaten 2011 calories (despite what my food diary is telling me I need to do) So far my day looks like this:
    zig%20zag%20net.jpg As you can see my NET caloires are still 244 calories UNDER my zig zag goal of 1680. If I didn't eat back any of my exercise calories today and stopped food at 1680, my NET would be 1105 calories for the day. Oh another thing, disregard the big 64 calories remaining since that is based off of the MFP goal and not the zig zag goal. You will need to manually calculate that by taking your zig zag goal (1680) and subtracting your logged NET (1436) which means that at 11:12pm I still have 244 calories to consume to meet my goal for today.

    It's really up to you but if you find that your zig zagging and not eating back your logged exercise and you feel tired, don't lose, feel hungry more often than before, consider trying it this way the next week and see which way works better. When losing weight, bigger (losses) isn't always better.

    Yes, it totally depends on what you are using as your numbers. On the calculator that I used you put in your number of days that you exercise and it will figure your exercise calories in so if I look at my numbers, most days for zigzagging it has me at 1506 then a couple higher and a couple lower. But the average is 1506 -- on mfp I am supposed to eat 1200 plus my exercise calories so if I would be zigzagging and using 1506 plus my exercise calories I would be WAY to high -- I would be eating to maintenance every week therefore would NOT lose anything. But this adds the 300 calories that I would normally eat back to my food goal everyday for the week (it just uses high days and low days instead of the same every day)

    So you can do either BUT if you use the calculator on the freedieting.com site and you put in that you exercise 5 days a week then DO NOT eat back the daily exercise calories because it IS calculated in there for you.

    What I do is the same as Sara -- I don't exercise on my low days and exercise a lot on my high days so the numbers on mfp turn out to be close.

    If you are using the calculator on the freediet.com site than read this blog -- she explains everything very nicely: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/AggieCass09/view/my-positive-experience-with-calorie-zig-zagging-98777
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    oh, one more thing -- I use the fat loss numbers not the extreme fat loss -- extreme fat loss is without eating your exercise calories back -- that may be the confusion.
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    The other method using mfp numbers (maintenance and max loss) and you do eat back your exercise calories (using net as your goal) that nckrystalblue is speaking about -- is described in this post:


    So either way is right it just depends on how you calculate your zig zag numbers to begin with.

    Hope this helps!
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    this is so confusing:noway:

    I am trying zig zagging this week.....I just hope I am doing it right:embarassed:
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    bump. This all makes my head hurt. I'll have to read it after work.
  • lotushw
    lotushw Posts: 22 Member

    I think I get it now....:drinker:
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member

    I think I get it now....:drinker:

    at least you do.... im so lost!!! :huh: :grumble: :huh:
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Just as an FYI - you are suppose to use you Net calories. Freedieting.com is not taking exercise into consideration. I believe it says that near the bottom of the page. There is conflicting information on this post. If would anyone seriously considering please google and research on your own to ensure you get accure information.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Yes, it totally depends on what you are using as your numbers. On the calculator that I used you put in your number of days that you exercise and it will figure your exercise calories in so if I look at my numbers, most days for zigzagging it has me at 1506 then a couple higher and a couple lower. But the average is 1506 -- on mfp I am supposed to eat 1200 plus my exercise calories so if I would be zigzagging and using 1506 plus my exercise calories I would be WAY to high -- I would be eating to maintenance every week therefore would NOT lose anything. But this adds the 300 calories that I would normally eat back to my food goal everyday for the week (it just uses high days and low days instead of the same every day)

    So you can do either BUT if you use the calculator on the freedieting.com site and you put in that you exercise 5 days a week then DO NOT eat back the daily exercise calories because it IS calculated in there for you.

    What I do is the same as Sara -- I don't exercise on my low days and exercise a lot on my high days so the numbers on mfp turn out to be close.

    If you are using the calculator on the freediet.com site than read this blog -- she explains everything very nicely: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/AggieCass09/view/my-positive-experience-with-calorie-zig-zagging-98777
    If you enter an activity level when calculating your MFP goal or the zig zag numbers you wouldn't be logging those exercise calories on MFP anyway so that is correct, you would NOT want to eat them back.

    My personal level is set to sedentary as my job is sedentary and my lifestyle has been sedentary for many years. In May I set myself a goal (again) to try to walk 30 minutes a day, but, as in January when I started, I'm not physically able to do that everyday (or exercise in general) due to spinal issues. Because I cannot guarantee that I can or will work out 3-5 times a week, I don't want those calories built into my diet numbers or I'd go over on most days. So far this month I've only missed 2 days, but until I have most of the month under my belt and feel I can continue moving forward, I won't change my activity level.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    oh, one more thing -- I use the fat loss numbers not the extreme fat loss -- extreme fat loss is without eating your exercise calories back -- that may be the confusion.

    If I didn't eat my exercise calories back while using the Ex FL numbers, I'd be lucky to hit about 800 net per day. That's not healthy.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    The other method using mfp numbers (maintenance and max loss) and you do eat back your exercise calories (using net as your goal) that nckrystalblue is speaking about -- is described in this post:


    So either way is right it just depends on how you calculate your zig zag numbers to begin with.

    Hope this helps!
    I'm not using his mehtod or MFP numbers and max loss - I used the numbers calculated for me by the freedieting.com website and I am eating back my calories and using my Ex FL numbers as my NET goal not my FOOD goal.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Just as an FYI - you are suppose to use you Net calories. Freedieting.com is not taking exercise into consideration. I believe it says that near the bottom of the page. There is conflicting information on this post. If would anyone seriously considering please google and research on your own to ensure you get accure information.
    There is an option to select your exercise on freedieting.com, it's right under where you enter your height so it would depend on what you put in that option. I personally select sedentary just as I do on MFP.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    I think a way to simplify this for those who are totally lost and confused is to take your MFP daily goal multiply it by 7 for your weekly goal than stagger your numbers (in a reasonable manner) so that you don't go under 1200 carlories in a day, you have 2 days higher than the others (one of the two slightly higher than the other) and your weekly total is the same as you MFP weekly total. Then there is no other calculator to use and you can continue to do whatever you do successfully using MFP goals.

    It's not really that hard. There are just so many ways to get there. Read the quoted posts on MFP about how to zig zag correctly. Stick to the OP's posts and it should be more clear.
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member