i need help!

okay so currently i've lost 21 kg, around 46 lbs.. but i havent reached my target yet. i used to be on a diet half a year ago, but now i've a fondness over cooking and baking. i just can't stop cooking and making food that i never exercise anymore. and every time i finish my cooking, i cant help but to eat it. i just can't help it:( any advice on this?? i really need to get back on track.


  • Fatkat121212
    Good job on the loss!

    I myself have lost 38 kilos since May 2014 and have stalled. I remind myself why I started this journey and where I want to be. Only you can decide on what motivates you.

    Can you make healthier versions of your baking? Or do an exercise that you enjoy? I have developed a love for zumba as of 2 days ago running.

    Good luck :)
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    stop cooking so much!! lol. or cook and then freeze whatever you don't need for that day. You haven't reached your goal, use this as motivation to stop eating it. Or if you really want to keep baking, donate the food to a homeless shelter or a fire/police station. Everyone would appreciate it.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    It's time to fine tune your logging and nutrition if you're still cutting! The only one that can make that choice is you.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I cook a lot of food and enjoy it...but I watch my portions and starting in January will be back to a small cut. Perhaps what will be best for you is to figure out your TDEE and just subtract 10% from it so you don't have a large calorie deficit to work with.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    There is nothing wrong with cooking and loving it, so long as you remain in a deficit. You're the only person capable of making that decision.
  • rockinraccuun
    It is actually really great that you are so into cooking and baking. With fine tuning, homemade food is MUCH healthier than what you buy in the store!
    Do your research and find ways to trade out some of the unhealthy ingredients for healthier versions. (You can trade half a stick of margarine for 1/2 cup applesauce) for example.
    Don't forget that food is not the enemy, it is fuel for your body. So go for high impact ingredients full of nutrition...Vitamins, minerals etc...
    Good Luck!
    p.s. Cooking burns calories too :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You can still cook/bake and enjoy it, just exercise moderation and fit those foods into your calorie goal/deficit.
  • dinakasadariskar
    thank you so much for helping me out guys!! i've currently got back on track and have lost 2 kg already :smiley: i still bake and cook but keeping my portion size small! again, thank you so much!! @Ninkyou‌ @rockinraccuun @Liftng4Lis‌ @mymodernbabylon‌ @furioushummingbird‌ @Nicola0000‌ @Fatkat121212‌

    btw can you really replace margarine for applesauce?