To those of you who have reached your goals...

...I'm looking for some help....actually...a lot of help. There is a lot of amazing motivation and support on the message board and on the home page from friends....but I need someone to PERSONALLY motivate me to eat right and work out every day. Whether it be via personal messaging me or e-mailing me or if we even went as far as skyping ( or something. :ohwell: I know that's asking a lot... but I need someone to be my personal trainer/dietitian because I am having SO much trouble sticking with this. As much as I want to be healthier and lose this weight (more than anything), I go WAY too easy on myself. I started off doing really well, eating ONLY healthy food and working out every day, but all of a sudden I have been a push over and allowing myself junk food here and there and skipping working out occasionally. And that is NOT ACCEPTABLE. I'm seriously pissed at myself for not getting off my *kitten* and working out and for eating all the **** that I ate today, but I know I'll be over it tomorrow and probably end up doing the same thing I did today. I have done this the last few days, and each day I fully and completely regret it at the end of the day and get frustrated to tears:cry: ..... but then the next day it's like I don't even care anymore and I eat what I see and I get lazy. I'm slowly going back to my old habits....and it needs to stop. :frown: But I honestly don't think I can do it alone. I need personal help from someone who is willing to help me. I need someone to tell me EXACTLY what to eat every day (so I will hopefully eat nothing more/nothing less) and to to tell me/make me work out every day (except on rest days). I want someone to yell at me and get pissed at me when I screw up so I will not do it again. I want someone to reward me every day that I do well and punish me when I screw up. I will be 100% dedicated to this person as long as they are 100% dedicated to helping me. It would really mean the world to me if someone could help me with this and help me reach my goal of 130 lbs. (-45lbs.). PLEASE!


  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    I haven't met my goal yet but I'd love to help support you. I do think it's important for you to make the choices yourself on what to eat or exercises to do. Otherwise it won't be something you like enough to stick with it in the long run.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I hope you find a helper :) I love to try and motivate my friends but I seem to be rather busy lately. Feel free to add me if you think it might help.
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    I can try to email you but it's too confusing to tell someone else what to do- what works for me might not work for you. Having said that, I can give you some tips that help me remember to try to keep on track.

    I read a lot of women's fitness magazines. . . I read the ones with more muscley women on it because I want to make sure I am committed to the gym, but you can read whatever ones you like. If I see that magazine laying around or I read it on the bus or somewhere, I get excited and motivated. I also have taped a photo of a woman's ripped abs to my fridge. My friends laughed at me but it helped me think twice when I open the fridge door. I have thought about putting up photos from my gym mags to remind me too.

    The other thing is, when you DO get motivated, go to the grocery store and get healthy food, and clean your house out of all the ****ty food you have. It's hard for me to eat bad carbs and sugars because I don't have any in my apartment. The only thing I can do is overeat healthy food, and yes that still is a struggle but when I think of how I have to write it down here and people can see it. . I try a lot harder not to eat too much. I still go over my calories sometimes .. but this is a work in progress.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    This probably isn't going to be what you want to hear...

    You are your own best motivator! Getting help and motivation from others when available is great, but it should be looked on as a bonus, don't become dependent on it. You will always be there for yourself, you will always be able to give yourself a pep talk at just the right time, you will always be able to make the best choices for your self, you will always be able to tell yourself that you deserve better than what a bad choice will bring you...because you are always there. No one else can be there with you 100% of the time and force you to do, or not do, anything. And honestly, you wouldn't want that anyway.

    There is nothing special about any of the people on this board that has succeeded in meeting their goals, none of us has anything that you don't already have available within yourself.

    Empower yourself. Believe in yourself. Realize that you will hit bumps in the road, and that it doesn't matter so long as you keep picking your self up and getting on with the program. It's about a lifetime of making good choices, not just a bad day here and there.

    You can do it. We can all do it.
  • EquestrianLark135
    EquestrianLark135 Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks everyone. I KNOW I have what it takes, and I KNOW I can do it, just like you guys, I proved that to myself in the first couple weeks when I had NO problems and I lost 3's just seeming a lot harder than it was before to convince myself to NOT eat that chocolate, or to NOT eat 3 servings of something healthy, or to NOT allow myself something extra right before bedtime which pushes me right on over my calories for the day.... and I don't know why I'm having so much trouble all of a sudden. I don't know if it has to do with being so stressed out over the 3 school projects and the 1000+ word essay we have to write and the fact that I have a ton of make-up homework and 3 tests to make up on top of that from being sick last week. And how lately I've only been getting 5-6 hours of sleep at night. I have no idea if these things can relate to how much self-control I have....but if they do...then that's exactly why I have been having so much trouble lately....and it's just making me more stressed out and putting me in a horrible mood (seriously...I think my family is avoiding me now because of the mood I've been in the last week...). I've just fallen waaaaay off the wagon and I'm laying on the ground finding it very hard to get my *kitten* up and jump back on the wagon...:cry:....despite how badly I want to live a happier, healthier, thinner, more muscular life! I keep thinking to myself, "after school today, I'm only going to eat one little HEALTHY snack and then be good until will be easy..." Then I find myself-after eating that one little snack- giving myself reasons as to why I CAN eat a little something I do....then I go through that again, and again, then I basically say "screw it"....I'll just try again tomorrow. It's really becoming pathetic and I absolutely positively hate myself for allowing myself all that crap.:mad: