comment here if you're looking for friends :)



  • Looking for more active friends! Feel free to add me!
  • Cincypsych
    Cincypsych Posts: 116 Member
    I need all the help I can get
  • shellz1009
    shellz1009 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm also looking for new friends feel free to add me.
  • stefchrysler
    stefchrysler Posts: 47 Member
    Anyone can add me!! My friends all don't log anymore I find it more encouraging when I have people on here!
  • More friends always welcome to add me
  • ilovemyfro76
    ilovemyfro76 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for more active friends! Feel free to add me!
  • Looking for friends! Add me :)
  • raeganbrady
    raeganbrady Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! We work better together so add me
  • Hi am new on here please feel free to add me. I currently have no idea how to add people and feel the more people to share each other's journey the better for us all
  • gemmahes
    gemmahes Posts: 15 Member
    feel free too add me for some reason I can't add anyone it crashes my phone ; ((( x
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    Hello all, I have used MFP in the past with great success, (lost 5 stone with MFP in the past) but lost my mojo for a bit, but now I'm back for round 2.....(need to lose the stone put back on since I stopped, and also to continue to lose more)
    I'm an unfit, fat, smoking Englishman that needs to get fit, and lose some timber so if anyone needs someone you can look on to help keep you motivated then please add me...
  • SaimaT
    SaimaT Posts: 1
    I just joined! Trying to get my body back on track & just started Insanity, anyone needs motivation feel free to Add me!
  • clf1284
    clf1284 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm definitely looking for new friends!
  • bianca_gardiner
    bianca_gardiner Posts: 37 Member
    Add me, want to fill up my news feed with inspirational stuff!
  • zab12101
    zab12101 Posts: 34 Member
    Add me (: I have an adequate back round in fitness so I would love to help if I can
  • Feel free to add me, I am always on MyFitnessPal tracking macros everyday. Plus i will post some inspirational statuses.
  • Need more warriors agains evil faty foods and naughty kcal. ;) add me.
  • ctina_c
    ctina_c Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2015
    hi im Christina, n i'm always looking for new friends.(sorry I'm not new but I only a few of my MFP friends are still active on here.) I am looking to lose 50+lbs. 26 years old. from New Mexico. looking to befriend anyone who is looking to lose weight in Healthy ways (no pro-ana/mia bloggers plz) hope we can share our experiences and keep each other on track :smile: thx 4 reading
  • MichelleS08
    MichelleS08 Posts: 109 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • rbentrup81
    rbentrup81 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes! This is great!