new here and needing motivation!

Just joined myfitnesspal and so far, finding it really useful!
I have tried diets many times before and no weight has ever stayed off, normally because I don't have the will power to stick to them. This time, I am determined to lose weight for good, but support and motivation from others would be very much appreciated :-) If you have any tips or suggestions as to how I can motivate myself then comment, or if you're offering support along my weight loss journey then feel free to add me as a friend. :smile:


  • sbeavers228
    I'm right there with you. I've been a member here for a little while, and started losing weight by staying within my calorie range. I haven't been back on in about two weeks, and have gained back the weight. I am DETERMINED to lose the weight. I want to feel good in a bikini this summer! I'm okay with being curvy, but right now I'm a little TOO curvy. This thing works if you stick with it!
  • allystone
    allystone Posts: 134 Member
    I need all the motivation to, as well I've tried everything out there..used this for a 2-3 week time period, while excersizing and counting calories..and lost I KNOW this works, but I've been naughty the last month or so, and havent logged as much as I should..I need motivation as well. Feel free to Add me.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me for some extra support! The key is to make yourself log in every day and be COMPLETELY honest with your journaling/tracking. If you do that then losing weight is easy!
  • mimi1924
    mimi1924 Posts: 14
    Welcome!!! The only advice I can give is make sure you track your food and I mean EVERYTHING. It adds up so fast when you are eating mindlessly. Also what has helped me in the past is rather that "shooting" for a certain goal in pounds lost for the week. I try to make my goal to workout at least a certain amount of days during the week and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Good luck and friend me for some motivation. I can use it tooo!!!
  • elodia83
    elodia83 Posts: 4 Member
    I need motivation too.. But now I feel that I have to count everything that I eat and I love to see the numbers
  • nildadup
    nildadup Posts: 2
    i sure understand about the motivation. I am new here too. I want to lose the weigh but lack the will power. I am addicted to cheddar jalepeno cheetos - and trying to go cold turkey. i do good for a day or 2 and then its like back to old habits. maybe we can help each other
  • zer0vital
    zer0vital Posts: 42
    I've tried and failed many times at living healthier, and it's completely different this time. The key for me has been to only make one small change here and there at a time, but EVERY change I make is PERMANENT, for the rest of my life. I had too much of an all or nothing attitude before and the lack of record-keeping made it feel like a pointless enterprise if I couldn't be perfect at it every day. Now, I mess up all the time and it's just no big deal. I'm really happy with the site and the community. Welcome to the party!
  • rock_1206
    rock_1206 Posts: 33
    Welcome! Feel free to add me for some extra support! The key is to make yourself log in every day and be COMPLETELY honest with your journaling/tracking. If you do that then losing weight is easy!

    absolutely second that. Just keep logging in and be honest about it. Welcome to MFP. you will get all the support you need on here. Good luck for achieving your goal. Feel free to add me if you like. :smile: :wink:
  • nc1191
    nc1191 Posts: 51 Member
    I can definitely relate. I've tried sticking to a diet and working out on a regular basis many times, but I always end up giving in. I just joined this site last night, but it seems great for motivation and support!
  • tigerwolf22
    tigerwolf22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hopefully we'll find the motivation to get the pounds off. Kissing the weight isnt the problem it's keeping it off