Breast feeding momma



  • I am nursing my 8 month old. I have managed to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight but still have about 50 pounds to go to get to a healthy weight. I am trying to eat better and watch my calories, but without tanking my supply. I've been fighting supply issues for a while as it is due to a stomach bug that we both had around Thanksgiving.
    One thing I have been trying to do is plan my meals and snacks to be around the suggested calorie intake to loose weight--then I try to eat about 500 more calories, usually by eating lacation cookies.
  • lydiaanne1977
    lydiaanne1977 Posts: 19 Member
    I read about those lactation cookies. A bit pricy.... But do they work?
  • I'm in the same boat! My DD is 7 months now, but I still have 20 lbs to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I would love if some of you would friend me :D
  • runningmcgee
    runningmcgee Posts: 16 Member
    Is there a breastfeeding group? I'm also nursing, my son is 6 months old and I want to start losing the baby weight (about 35 lbs) but I'm very concerned about my supply. I've set my calorie goal at 1800 per day and will see what happens and adjust as needed.
  • intrepie
    intrepie Posts: 24 Member
    I wanted to share my experience as it may help others. When I started, I dropped my calories to 2000 right of the bat. Because it was a sudden change, my supply suffered. I upped calories and started on the tea and it came back. I've gradually decreased calories again (to 2200) and my supply, and loss, are fine :) moral of the story (ha) may help to slowly drop your calorie intake. Don't make the mistake I did!
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    Looking for help/tips/support. I know you aren't supposed to hard core diet while breast feeding, but I'd still like to see some weight loss. I lost 20lbs right off the bat. Now I'd like to lose at least another 15 lbs. I'm focusing on meal portion control right now as I know that even for breast feeding i was consuming far too many calories. Exercise is currently though to fit in with this cold winter weather we are having. I'm looking forward to the summer when I can take the stroller out for long walks!
    I'm a bf mom trying to lose weight as well! Looking for more support too! My first goal is to be under 160 (my prepregnancy weight. I have 11 lbs to go!) then I'm trying to get under 130. I haven't been under 130 since I got married about 8.5 years ago! Feel free to add me and share your goals! Good luck!
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    I read about those lactation cookies. A bit pricy.... But do they work?

    Have a look online. You can make your own :)
  • lydiaanne1977
    lydiaanne1977 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the great idea lemur_lady! That way if diet starts effecting supply I have a backup plan :)
  • runningmcgee
    runningmcgee Posts: 16 Member
    I've just created a group for breastfeeding mothers. Feel free to join, it is titled "breastfeeding group" (creative, I know).
  • gulnare_k
    gulnare_k Posts: 3 Member
    Breastfeeding a 4 month old...Add me too please.
  • How's everyone doing so far today? Missing my princess while I'm stuck here at work. 3 months old today B) Is everyone getting their water in for the day...? 40oz so far for me
  • Trishism
    Trishism Posts: 79 Member
    I bf my son exclusively until he was 6 months old, now he's 10 months and he eats solids like a champ along with the bfing.

    I was already overweight when I got pregnant and then gained 30lbs throughout the pregnancy. I lost about 15lbs immediately after he was born and then felt so thrown off and ate poorly and gained 5 of that back until I realized that enough is enough! My husband and I hopped on the healthy train and got gym memberships and I started counting calories when my son was about 5 months old. For the first couple of weeks I was supply issues but it was a stupid mistake I was making - I wasn't eating back the calories that I was burning with my workouts. Once I started doing that my supply was back to normal and I continued to shed weight pretty consistently. I've lost 43lbs total so far! Looking to lose another 20 or so, but it's really slowed down.

    Enjoying all the extra energy I have!
  • intrepie
    intrepie Posts: 24 Member
    Trishism wrote: »
    I've lost 43lbs total so far! Looking to lose another 20 or so, but it's really slowed down.

    Enjoying all the extra energy I have!
    Great job!!
  • I need motivation and friends, too! Bfing my 11 month old and finding it hard to stay on track. I lose weight when I watch what I'm eating, so I know how to do it, I just can't stay doing it. Wanting to lose 40 lbs by end of summer. Help me stay motivated and I'll help you, too! :-)
  • intrepie
    intrepie Posts: 24 Member
    I need motivation and friends, too! Bfing my 11 month old and finding it hard to stay on track. I lose weight when I watch what I'm eating, so I know how to do it, I just can't stay doing it. Wanting to lose 40 lbs by end of summer. Help me stay motivated and I'll help you, too! :-)
    We are in about the same situation (baby age, weight to lose, and timeline)! We got this ;)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Just a note if it's not already been shared... A nursing Mom needs to eat 300cals more a day to compensate for cals burned for nursing. You can just do it as a quick calorie add on. :)
  • fisherchick
    fisherchick Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! I'd love to be friends with you all~just not sure how to add a friend..?? I am also EBF my son who's 3 months old and am needing some support to stay motivated. Hope to hear from some of you soon!
  • Hey! I'd love to be friends with you all~just not sure how to add a friend..?? I am also EBF my son who's 3 months old and am needing some support to stay motivated. Hope to hear from some of you soon!

    Just click on someone's username and then click on the Add Friend button. I just added you!
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 363 Member
    Hi all, Super job ladys! I managed to feed my youngest till he was 19 months old. Just to also factor in not to forget they have growth spurts, I found I lost more on those weeks when he was having a spurt, even though I was hungrier! I lost loads in the first 4 months..although hes no longer bf as hes 3.5, i have put some one again opps. Keep up the wonderful job xx
  • a3bwgqjz4euu.jpg

    Just sharing a pic from last night of baby girl turning 3 months <3 It's getting so hard to be away from her all day