Tips for Staying on Track

Hello everyone.
I'm a yo-yo fitness pal. I'll come here,work really hard, lose about 10lbs in about 4-6 weeks and then I'll quit. Gain it all back, and come back here to lose another 10lbs and then there the cycle continues. I've done this consistently over the past 3 years.
Can you help me? this is Day 2 of the "40-something Time" that i'm back on Fitness Pal, and I really want to stay until I reach my goal and then some.
How do you stay focused? Give me some tips please!! thanks :)


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there,
    It sure sounds like you have the determination you need to keep on with the healthy lifestyle that you obviously want and deserve.
    As difficult as it is, you have to want it enough to keep pushing yourself even when you reach 'goal', this isn't easy but it's always worth it. It can be a good idea to set yourself a new goal for when you complete your current one (maybe toning or stamina, anything you would like to improve on).

    Wishing you all the very best and complete success.

  • CoachPriscilla
    You need to try to start feeling like you are making a lifestyle change. It is hard but if you can set aside time each day in your calendar to work out, it becomes non-negotiable. You need to make a date with yourself and hold that time sacred. Once you start to think of fitness that way, it will become easier.

    Having an accountability group can also help you stick with fitness long term. There are days when I totally feel like skipping my workout but I know that if I don't, my group will get on me!! We all cheer each other on and hold each other accountable - in a nice way :)
  • bm920
    bm920 Posts: 114 Member
    Make small changes that are achievable and work into making a complete change like the above post states. The diet and binge cycle is likely due to you dieting too hard and restricting yourself and eventually you cave in and all of your hard work was for nothing. A smaller calorie deficit is probably a better option, results wont happen over night. Do some research on flexible dieting. Learn that you can have a cookie or whatever and still stay on track. Stay consistent and dont let 1 slip up turn into 2...or 10.
  • AB4u
    AB4u Posts: 57 Member
    Wow thanks everyone! All of your tips make so much sense. Thanks again