Just Started Venus Index - Wanna join me?

Hello! My name is Chris and I am a lifer fat girl... I have tried it all, including weight loss surgery without success. I recently had a baby and realized that even as a fat girl, I was a lot healthier a couple of years ago. It is time for me to start eating better and getting stronger. I decided on the Venus program for a couple of reasons:

1. Flexible eating without restrictions. As long as I keep my calorie count on track, I can eat anything I want. No need to get crazy with carb counting, etc.
3. Easy to follow weight training based workout that can be done with minimal equipment either at home or at the Gym.
4. I only have to work out 3 days a week!
5. Did I mention NO CARDIO? Don't get me wrong, I do plenty of cardio between roller derby and chasing a baby... But how boring are treadmills, ellipticals, and stairclimbers? Ugh! With Venus you train your muscles to burn fat for you and give you a feminine shape all without Cardio!

So that's it. I read it, started tracking my foods here, and started my first workout yesterday. I will weigh in again on Sunday and see where I am for the week.

For the first time in a long time I am feeling good about a program and that's it's not just another fad. Am I right? Only time will tell....


  • debraguevara
    debraguevara Posts: 7 Member
    I am basing my program on the Venus book but I don't have the entire program. So far the eating part has been easy. I am walking 5k three times a week because I don't know how to start the weight training. I have all the exercises but no workout plan. I would love to track my progress with you and see what happens. Like you I have tried a lot of plans, diets, etc.. but with not much success. I like this one though. Good luck.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
  • Hi, I just started Venus...day 2. How are you guys doing? I've decided to follow 21 day fix and my other beachbody videos for my workouts easier just to press play for now. Planning on doing their workouts in a couple of weeks after I get comfortable with program.