
Anyone else out there struggling to try to stick with your daily exercise routine? At this point I am walking 3.0mph on my treadmill. I walked Sunday & this evening. I just couldnt find the time or motivation M, T or W which I need to fix. I need to do this every day! I need to decrease my calories & lose weight. Anyone out there want extra friends to keep each other going every day? Daily check in's?


  • AMaro215
    AMaro215 Posts: 78 Member
    I lost 27lbs Jan-May 2012, got married Oct 2012, pregnant with our first child Nov 2012. I still have 25lbs to lose to get back down to my prewedding weight. I would like to start with the 25lb lose & eventually work on 20 more. I am currently 5'3 & 176lbs.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    I put a TV in front of my tread and find I am using it more. need the volume up but at least it is helping me get the motivation.
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    The biggest thing I can recommend for exercise consistency is to make it non-negotiable. This is a meeting to yourself that you CANNOT miss. To help make this easier on you, try and schedule your workouts for a time in your day when you are LEAST likely to be disturbed and then tell EVERYONE around you that you are working out at this time and are NOT to be disturbed at ALL (unless someone is dying).

    It's when we make our workouts optional that we allow ourselves to get into situations where things "come up". Everyone around me knows I work out at 10am every day (strange time but it's the time I'm least likely to have anyone bugging me) so I make NO appointments if I can at all help it between 10 - 11am. My family knows I work out then and so does my team and my customers. If anyone calls or texts, I don't answer.

    Trust me, after doing this for a while it'll become 2nd nature. Sure there'll be times when you HAVE to miss a workout but they'll become rare!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Exercising consistantly was something I wanted when I started this. I chose to aim for 30 minutes a day of some kind of exercise and that goal has been pretty reachable. After a couple of months, I am occasionally doing longer workouts. So my advice would be don't start too intense. Try to do a variety of things to find something you like. Just do it like you would brushing your teeth every day.
    Really though you will lose weight just from staying at your calorie limit so make sure you log everything you consume as accurately as you can. I find it helpful to plan and pre-log my whole day the night before or in the morning.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Years ago when I was starting running, I had to put my running shoes and clothes on as soon as I got up, before I left the bed. If I waited, I'd come up with some excuse not to change and head out the door on a run.

    Showing up is more than half the battle. Make yourself change into your gear and head to the treadmill before you allow yourself to bail. Once you're there already, you'll probably just hop on and do it, right?
  • GingerbreadCandy
    GingerbreadCandy Posts: 403 Member
    Years ago when I was starting running, I had to put my running shoes and clothes on as soon as I got up, before I left the bed. If I waited, I'd come up with some excuse not to change and head out the door on a run.

    Showing up is more than half the battle. Make yourself change into your gear and head to the treadmill before you allow yourself to bail. Once you're there already, you'll probably just hop on and do it, right?

    So freaking true. D:

    Most of the time, if I lie more then thirty seconds in bed after my alarm has rang, I will find an excuse to stay longer. I am slowly working on that. So far, I have managed to include a 15-20 minute yoga routine in the morning. Hoping to up that to 30 soon...