Age 41. 315 lbs. Here I go.

First day and I like this app. Not sure how often I'll post but I'm on board and determined. Wish me luck.


  • Tracycef
    Tracycef Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck!
  • angelava
    angelava Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck! It's my first day too, age 44, 307 lbs. Let's DO this!
  • mgdnutty
    mgdnutty Posts: 17 Member
    luck wont get you there determination and focus will
  • bettyemorrison
    bettyemorrison Posts: 3 Member
    42 Now 280? Down from 320!
  • poutchikins
    poutchikins Posts: 17 Member
    Just started also. I am 61 and 155 lbs but only 4ft6in... Let's join forces...
  • jeobaa
    jeobaa Posts: 7
    6 pounds in 4 days is not bad I guess. Trying for 10 lbs before my first week ends. Might need to do the stationary bike longer periods.
  • tammyhinton2015
    I just turned 40....want and need to lose 50lb for good. Been a yoyo for decades. Tried everything but counting calories always helped me take it off and keep it off (until the next baby). Done with babies..youngest now 4. I'm soooo ready.
  • picklefarmer67
    Love this app. Helps to teach you, motivate, and focus. Good luck
  • jeobaa
    jeobaa Posts: 7
    Realizing that when I eat, I'm so hungry that I don't care how tasteless diet food is. Ha! Also greatly reduced my portion sizes so my stomach is shrinking and I'm feeling full with less food. Just finished a cup of tuna pasta salad and I'm satisfied.
  • jeobaa
    jeobaa Posts: 7
    Okay. Learning that my 1st 6 lbs lost was water retention after cutting sodium. Pretty sobering. Adding more cardio and reducing my calories a bit more now. Eating too many bananas. Need to find other potassium sources like fish and spinach.
  • jeobaa
    jeobaa Posts: 7
    Lost 10 lbs as of this morning. It doesn't look like much yet, but I'm happy with the pace. Building up from 30-60 minutes cardio to 120 minutes or more when I can. At this pace, 120 lbs this year is realistic...
  • TXChelleD
    TXChelleD Posts: 76 Member
    Good luck! You will be fabulous, I'm sure. And don't feel bad about not 'seeing' it yet. I have lost 10.6 lbs in two weeks and keep trying to figure where it left from. ;)
    I'm sure the weight loss will slow down once we get going but I'm going to take the big numbers while I can get 'em! Hope you have a great week!
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    You are where I was a little over a year ago. To date I've lost 128lbs. Just keep your eye on the prize, learn what works for you and don't quit.
  • bettyemorrison
    bettyemorrison Posts: 3 Member
  • bettyemorrison
    bettyemorrison Posts: 3 Member
    Not sure why seeing progress on the scale sometimes gives me excuse to eat more or exersize less....
  • Theleminator
    Theleminator Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 47, been doing this for over a year, was 280, I'm at 220, that's my high school weight!!! Think I'm done losing weight working on getting tone.
  • jeobaa
    15 lbs to date. Not bad and I'm not sure if that's a slow pace or not. Planning to hit the cardio and strength training harder after I drop below 300 lbs. Moving soon so that's a good workout too...