Any UK people with 50+ lbs to lose?

Hit my first small goal this morning - half a stone! I know I can do this now, and I'm looking for people on the same journey as me :)


  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    I am, cider drinking country. 112 pounds to lose 8stone hard pill to swallow. But guess what 2015 is the year take back our lifes and be that skinny person we all wish dream of being. Its there for the taking its just how badly you want it and just grabbing it. Keep smiling everything lets do this and make 2015 our year
  • jmassie983
    Hi! My first goal is 1st, main goal is 10! Are you following a specific plan?
  • elixile
    elixile Posts: 80 Member
    Hi there - Congrats on the first milestone!

    I'm in Manchester and have about 70 more lbs to lose :) Add me if you like!

    I flip-flop between opening my diary up and not, plus I'm not dieting as such - more losing weight through changing stuff in my life (it takes a bit longer that way) but I always appreciate the company.
  • emmarrr23
    emmarrr23 Posts: 22 Member
    jmassie983 wrote: »
    Hi! My first goal is 1st, main goal is 10! Are you following a specific plan?

    Im just using this app tbh! Following its calorie count, not being too hard on myself on a weekend if I go over a little of a weekend, and going to the gym 4 times a week. I'm also thinking of signing up for a 10K in the spring!
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    I've got 50lb exactly to lose - though ultimately I'd like to take another half stone off.

    already managed to lose 3lb which was my first milestone - dipping under the 14 st mark.

    Feel free to add :)
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    Hi! Well done on reaching ur first milestone! :) I have about 100lbs to lose! But starting with small goals too. (10lbs increments). I'm also from the UK.

    I'm just using the app too at the moment, basically log everything, good or bad! And trying to do some form of movement/activity 30min a day.

    Good luck everyone :)
  • Big_Steezy
    Big_Steezy Posts: 68 Member
    Well done on hitting that first milestone goal!!
    Good luck with he rest of your journey!

    I'm from the UK too, Manchester to be precise.
    My goal was to loose 70lbs, I've lost 40lbs so far!

    Recently joined a gym before Xmas to help me out more.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've got about 30lbs left to lose, but have lost at least 20lbs so far (I didn't dare step on the scales until my baby was 4 months old lol).

    I'm in East Sussex.
  • emmarrr23
    emmarrr23 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks everyone :)

    Quick question - did anyone take 'before' pictures when they started their journey? I get so inspired by all the success stories on here, and the before and after pictures really show what a difference has been made, but the idea of having a front on picture at my current weight makes me throw up in my mouth a little!

    Any thoughts?
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've got loads of photos! I took photos when my 2nd baby was tiny, then I lost 66lbs and have photos all the way through, then I have pregnancy photos from my third pregnancy, then photos since she was born. She's 8 months now.
  • cdiponio87
    cdiponio87 Posts: 15 Member
    measurements then might be a more meaningful metric.
  • cdiponio87
    cdiponio87 Posts: 15 Member
    I started logging in Late September 2014 and have lost 67lb with possibly 10lb to go. The good news is MFP in conjunction with exercise (swimming, running and walking+more) works well. My open food diary may or may not contain some helpful suggestions for eating highly nutritious food while sticking to a tight calorie budget while doing a *lot* of exercise.

    it can be done so good luck and best wishes to all.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    It's worth it. Might be scary at first, but you don't need to show anyone! I've got this comparison one from when my 2nd child was a baby, to when she was 18 months

    pic host
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    I have a few photos (full length) from a few months ago where I weighed the same as now. I hate the scales but will weigh myself every 6 weeks. In the past I've found measurements to be much more rewarding in terms of losses :)

    I agree about before and after pics being inspirational, take your before pic and don't look at it if you don't want to lol you will love having before n afters pics when you have reached your goal!
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I would recommend taking before pictures, I'm 3 stone down with two stone to go and I regret not taking proper ones. I'll have to rely on the few photos I like of me at 15st. Anyway, I'm a Lincolnshire girl living in Derby during term time for uni, anyone can feel free to add me. I might not have 50+lbs to lose anymore, but I'll be using this app for maintenance after I'm at goal weight so I'm in it for the long run :smile:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I also find it helpful to try on old clothes. I've got pre-pregnancy jeans in 2 sizes, and the bigger ones fit, in fact they're a bit loose, but I have a muffin top when I sit down, so once that goes I'll know I'd lost more weight, and then I'll be using my smaller jeans as a guideline!

    I haven't actually weighed myself since November.
  • Lyndz_88
    Hey, 6 stone to lose me, and from Manchester. 2015 is the year we do this! Looking for more friends myself :)
  • Big_Steezy
    Big_Steezy Posts: 68 Member
    Last time I did a comparison pic was november, lost a little more since then

    screen shots
  • nikitad123
    nikitad123 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, congrats on your first milestone!

    I'm in London, I've lost a total of 49lbs so far and still have about 50-55 or so to go!

    Everyone says exercise is important and that is beyond the truth but you can eat yourself out of any exercise! Abs are made in the kitchen after all lol. I just log everything now including spices which I never used to and I try to eat as clean as I can. Incorporating exercise is a must though, it will definitely speed things up, I used to HATE exercise in any shape or form with a passion but now its second nature, I love working out!

    Good luck on your journey! :)
  • emmarrr23
    emmarrr23 Posts: 22 Member
    It's worth it. Might be scary at first, but you don't need to show anyone! I've got this comparison one from when my 2nd child was a baby, to when she was 18 months

    pic host

    Thats a brilliant before and after pic! a perfect example of why I should take one I think!