Hey need more friends for accountability

After being on this journey since 13 up and down lack of consistency due to impatience.....I finally accepted I must be consistent because it takes time so giving in to cravings and over eating doesn't help either!! So now that I've accepts hard work, burning more than I eat and consistency PLEASE HELP ME BE ACCOUNTABLE?! I want to lose 45lbs errrrr!!! Add me


  • weejulesss
    Hiya, add me if you like, your story sounds a lot like mine. I didn't realise this thing had such an active community, might make things more interesting :smile:
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Add me! Accountability is KEY!
  • emilysp92
    add me if you like :)
    I have been the same going mad at diet / exercise and then getting fed up and slipping up here and there. Finally just trying to change my lifestyle and in time loose the weight the healthy way!