How to log in workout when it doesn't show up

hi all,
I need a bit of help

I've just finished my workout, I've tried entering it in but I can't find anything. I've looked under cardio and strength but can't find what I thought would be popular. This is what I've just done now

100 jump rope
75 high knee
50 body weight squats
25 push-up
150 jump rope
75 jumping jacks
50 alternating lunges
200 jump rope
75 butt kicks
50 mountain climbers
25 alternating leg raises

What do I do?

Please add me, would love more support and people who can tell me what I need to hear and not just what I want to hear.

Looking for answers and friends


  • riveraglenn
    What I usually do is find a calorie counter online and that helps me find calories burned.
  • Jemsnation
    Jemsnation Posts: 8 Member
    I Bought myself a heart rate monitor. It's brilliant. I recommend Polar. Set it up, wear it during your workout with the chest strap and it works out the calories for you.
  • zipa78
    zipa78 Posts: 354 Member
    Add it as whatever you want to call it. I'd probably mark it as circuit training. It doesn't matter. Whatever calories MFP tells you are way, way, WAAAY off anyhow so you can't base anything on that. You definitely should not alter your diet based on what MFP tells about your exercise.

    For cardio, you can get a fairly good estimate using a HRM, but even that will ending up being "just a guess". I find that what works best is to just track what I eat pretty accurately and see how my weight changes. If I'm doing something completely out of the ordinary exercise-wise, I'll try to estimate what effect it'll have on my burn and then figure out if I need to compensate.
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    Nearly all of the exercises you listed are not considered strength training - for instance the squats would be if you actually used weights. I would not bother logging any of them under Strength Training. The Strength Training list in Exercise Diary is a rudimentary log for individual exercises and it will not give you an estimate of Calories burned, nor will it add any exercise Calories to your Diary.

    If you want to log all of those individually, you can enter them in the Notes section of the Exercise Diary.

    Use the Cardiovascular list under Exercise Diary to log the Calories burned for those exercises. They are all included in the general category of Calisthenics. Search for Calisthenics in Cardiovascular and then enter the total number of minutes you exercised and note the number of Calories burned it estimates. Many users find that the MFP Cardiovascular exercises overestimate the number of Calories burned per minute. If you feel that the MFP estimates are too high for your individual exercises, you can choose to reduce the number of minutes you log for the exercise.

    You can also use CalorieLab to get a rough estimate for Calories burned per specified body weight for many activities.
  • imtrying22
    imtrying22 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you all, learnt something from each of you