Are there any triathletes out there

I am beginning my journey and have made one of my three goals to participate in a triathlon (Olympic length)? Any one out there have done it. Tips for a newbie, or better yet know where I can find information on the events?


  • SusKatCas
    SusKatCas Posts: 5 Member
    Have fun, they offer a great way to vary your training.

    (Do a sprint distance race first.) Go to and cruise those forums. Borrow a bike if you can. Practice in open water before race day.

    Have freaking fun with it!
  • CharleneMarie723
    CharleneMarie723 Posts: 98 Member
    1) Invest in a good bike and get fit for it. That's the biggest part of the race.
    2) Practice open water swimming in your wetsuit (if your race will allow them). They can be very hard to get used to.
    3) as your training progresses, do some brick workouts.
    4) Practice getting out of your wetsuit while it's wet.
  • tri_bob
    tri_bob Posts: 121 Member
    +1 on While I continue to be a powerfully unconvincing triathlete, I'm much better off than I would have been without the information, and community, on that site. Also, see if there's a club near where you are. No need to feel intimidated; clubs of all sorts, including triathletes, are going to be welcoming and helpful. A good resource for that, in addition to beginnertriathlete, is Your local YMCA is usually a good place to find triathletes and/or a club. Happy tri-ing!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I did some triathlon training, as well as one "practice triathlon." I borrowed a bike, but it was fitted to me by my coach. We practiced in a college pool, but did the open water swim in a lake. We did our bike/run practices in a large parking lot, with a bit of transition thrown in. I don't think I will ever do a real triathlon, though. I wear glasses, and I just can't wrap my head around how to do the swim and then transition to bike. I also don't have a bike, and they are expensive. I love the training, just not into the real thing, I guess.
  • ephiemarie
    ephiemarie Posts: 264 Member
    There's a group here:

    The folks there are very helpful with newbie questions. :smiley:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I was going to do this year's NYC triathlon, but being a novice, missed the lottery, so I'm going to try for next year. thanks for the links.