Need some reassurance right now

I'm new to this app so I'm not sure how things really work here so bare with me. So I very recently started trying to lose weight because my high school graduation is coming up and I really want to look nice. I went through most of school as a chubbier girl and I want to look good as high school comes to and end. I'm 5'7 and I weigh roughly 170 pounds. I decided to take control and try to lose weight. I think 135 sounds like a healthy goal to obtain. I'm just now starting but I have so many doubts. I do exercise videos one day and do the elliptical for 30 minutes the next day. I make sure to eat under 1200 calories and I try to stay away from things high in carbs and fat. I just don't know if these exercises and my diet are actually going to work. I feel like I constantly eat too much and that none of this will have an effect on my weight. I just need some reassurance that this will work. If anyone has any tips for me like exercises or diets that worked for them that would be much appreciated. Thank you everyone for being here for support!!


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Well, I started 2 years ago, February. I ran, did 30 Day Shred(and some other dvds), and some weight machines. Basically my schedule was something like this: 5:30am dvd, 10am power walk, 4:30 run or cardio/weights circuit. Weekends: 1 long run, 1 rest day. Do you have access to a gym at school? If there is a power lifting team, I highly recommend joining. Also, 1200 calories is too low. Try setting your weight loss goal a bit lower, like 1-1.5lb/wk and see what you get.
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    I am by no means an expert but I would be worried about you eating under 1200 calories. Allot of the advice that you will read on the forums talks about calculating your TDEE and then eating to that. I suggest looking at and at his TDEE calculator to figure out how much you are supposed to be eating because you may actually be undereating which will stop you losing weight.
  • KaylaRaela
    KaylaRaela Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Bree! Welcome to MFP! It takes a little bit to learn all the features, but I have come to love it! Congrats on your upcoming HS graduation! I bet you are so excited!!! I am in college now and can't wait to graduate again.

    One tip that worked for me was breaking my big goal into smaller goals. For example, start with a goal of losing 5-10 lbs, then plan on another mini-goal of 5-10 lbs. That way you have more encouragement and more celebrations.

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like! This is a safe place, and everyone is very encouraging.

  • I work and go to school so my schedule is to wake up at 5:40 and get ready and eat a small breakfast like a granola bar or banana. At school I eat a turkey wrap or I pack a sandwich with some pretzels. When I get home I do the 30 day shred DVD (so it's good to hear someone else does that too!) then I go to work until about 8 and when I get home I eat a turkey wrap. I might not be pushing myself as hard as I can I suppose I just am not sure what other exercises to add to my routine. It's also hard to prepare good nutritious meals when I have such limited time. Thank you guys for all of your support though! It really means a lot to me to hear that I can do this.