Nursing school student

Hello everyone I just downloaded this app today because my friend told me this was a good app to invest in. I am a senior in nursing school I'm 21 and I want to join the navy when I graduate but found out quit recently that I am over the weight requirements for my height to join the navy. Hearing this made me very upset I don't consider myself to be fat but I know I could eat a lot healthier. I really hope this app puts my *kitten* I to shape so I can achieve my goal!


  • kristynicole4
    kristynicole4 Posts: 40 Member
    I bet you are too. I'm sure it's pretty damn tough. I hate looking at my old pics and seeing what I was. I want to be super fit but like my wine and junk food need to be diligent but normal too - part of being healthy is everything in moderation. Feel free to add me if you want support!
    - Kristy :)
  • hanselma
    Thanks Kristy! I don't know how to add people on here!? lol
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Also, see if Navy will do tape measures instead. Even when I was young and fit I never made weight so I always opted for tape ins and I always passed that way.

    Other then that, good luck and good luck with your last year of nursing school! It's a dozy. :)