working mother of three

Been on this for 3 days. 1 lb down and 99 more to go. I have 3 beautiful children and work 45 hours a week. Fast food has always been my friend bc its quick. But this has started to affect my kids health as well. Time to make some positive changes, but I need some
accountability partners.


  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I have three kids also, ages 11, 9, and almost 6. I need to be better about feeding my kids too--between work schedules and sports and all the other activities, we eat on the run a lot.

    How old are your kids?
  • Grace77447722
    Grace77447722 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, I'm also a mother of three & work over 40 hours a week. It's hard to find time to make healthy choices but I'm really working on making time
  • MamaLuv1976
    MamaLuv1976 Posts: 4 Member
    Tell me about it. One day at a time, right. Glad I'm not alone in this.
  • hermanarogness
    hermanarogness Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it! And you will have more energy for your kids, and your kids will be healthier, too. Go, girl!
  • MamaLuv1976
    MamaLuv1976 Posts: 4 Member
    Two boys 4, 8, and my daughter is 9. We are making it a family thing. Starting with 30 minutes together using treadmill, resistance bands, and ab lounger. The kids are very competitive, so they are trying to out run and out crunch each other. Little do they know, they are
    getting healthier in the process.

  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome! Add me as a friend! You can reach your goals! I'm a busy mom of 4. Almost 40 lbs down for me. You can do this!