Just Diagnosed w diabetes 12/20/14

Dieting... part of my life on and off for the last 28+ years. Survived cancer, survived aneurysm... yet didn't take care of my health...well this last scare did it for me. I'm ready and determined to overcome this as well. I see it as a blessing..an eye opener. New healthier lifestyle...here I come.


  • hermanarogness
    hermanarogness Posts: 4 Member
    I believe in you. Good start!
  • gitana2015
    Thank you!!
  • BeTheChange352
    BeTheChange352 Posts: 253 Member
    you can totally do this!
  • Glowiie1
    Glowiie1 Posts: 85 Member
    You can do it! My hubby was told he was pre-diabetic about 7 months ago based on the A1C reading. After 6 months of eating better, his A1C is down! This stuff works - you just gotta stick to it :). Good luck!
  • gitana2015
    Thank you so much. I am so determined. I walked 3 miles today... may not seem much but to me is major. Every day I'm adding more and more. Thank you! !!!