Helpp! I am fit but trying to lose fat

Hi I'm new to myfitnesspal and I've run into a problem and I need your help : ((

I've been a pretty active person for the past couple of years. I work out 5-6 days a week and eat pretty healthy but I don't have very much muscle definition. Last summer I lifted weights a lot and I got really strong but my arms never looked defined they just looked big; I contributed this to carrying too much fat.

I stopped lifting and am just now focused on slimming down. I want to lose about 6-10 pounds but the problem is that I'm already pretty small. I'm female, 19 years old, 5'2" and 116lbs. I've been going to the gym and really watching my food intake religiously for the past month and haven't lost a pound nor gotten much smaller in measurements.

Any tips?


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Cardio will burn the fat (unfortunately you can't "spot lose", so you'll have to be patient while your body burns through the fat the way IT wants to burn through it)

    Strength training. It will help build muscle which is important as you lose fat. You don't want to look saggy.

    Make sure you're eating enough.

    Drinking enough water.
  • moebabies
    moebabies Posts: 7
    Water is not an issue for me : ) and as for strength training, like I said, I got stronger but also looked bigger so I only do it occasionally now.

    I've been reading other posts and apparently I'm not eating enough? My goal is 1200 and I burn about 400-500 calories a day exercising and the past few days since I've started MFP I've had 400-500 calories remaining at the end of the day. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that I need to eat more. I feel full after every meal I eat so it's not like I'm starving myself.
  • sam456
    sam456 Posts: 52 Member
    I believe the key to toning your body through weights is using lighter weights and doing higher reps :)

    - sam456
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