Newbie! All help gladly received

Hi guys,
I actually caught a glance at myself I'm a photo and thought omg!!!
I'm a newly qualified nurse and need to shift these lbs that have crept on over the last year! With my job it's hard to eat at set times and sometimes you don't even get a break! But I'm making a concious effort!
Any quick recipes would be great and I look forward to watching everyone's successes.
Erica xxxxxx


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Nurses rock! Had to say that. You can add me for support.
  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    Good luck, you've got the right attitude :)

    As for finding quick ways to eat, I always find having a cupboard full of tins of tuna helps in those desperate, need to eat times :)
  • minimum13
    minimum13 Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi - I've just noticed on the "general weightloss & fitness" board there is a post titled "any nurses out there" - might be useful for you to check out, I find its helpful to chat with people in the same situation and fellow nurses would understand the perils of shift working and missing meal breaks that you have mentioned.

    I'm not sure how to send you a link to the post i've seen, but if work it out i'll be back..!
  • emiylouiseeeeeee
    i'm also a newbee xx
  • richanderica
    Thank you so much guys x