Struggleing to make better life choices.

Hi, my goal is to loose 70lbs. I started watching my calories two days ago and so far I've been able to do it. I also started using my Fitbit last night. My problem is I feel like I have no time to exercise. So I decided that maybe counting calories will help me lose some weight along with exercising when I can. I'd love some support with this journey of losing weight or should I say struggle to make better life choices.


  • ftrl
    ftrl Posts: 2
    I'm just started out myself myself once again on this journey. My hopes are to stick to it and get off this weight loss rollercoaster.
  • Me too! I'm just tied of looking at myself and feeling like a blob. I had a friend at work that did calorie counting and it's crazy how much weight she lost. Here's hoping it works for us.
  • Hi Larry,
    I started counting calories 3 days ago. I'm hoping this time around some lifestyle changes will stick. That's the hard part. I'm determined this time around to go slow and make each life change permanent before I start another. I started with replacing soda with water. Now I'm working on counting calories. How is that working for you today?