healthy "pregnancy" weight gain

Has anyone used this app to gain healthy weight during pregnancy? To keep track and be aware about what and how much has been consumed? I thought it would be a good idea but haven't seen a single post about this particular topic. I'm 6mo. Maintaining a steady weight gain. Trying to find a good routine and make healthier choices during this pregnancy.


  • I'm in the same boat! 30 weeks pregnant with twins & due to severe hyperemisis at the beginning of pregnancy (well until 20 weeks) I am still below prepregnancy weight of 140lbs. Unlike in singleton pregnancies, evidence shows poor maternal diet can really affect fetal weight gain with multiples, and so it makes sense that my two are teeny (below 3rd percentile). Over the past 11days I have attempted to commence a high calorie and protein diet which has been linked to improved fetal weight gain. I'm finding it a real challenge though.

    How are you managing? I'm a midwife also, and making healthy food choices in pregnancy is really important. But you should never restrict your calorie intake. As you say 'steady weight gain' is good. Everyone gains a different amount and as long as the majority of what you are consuming is healthy and you listen to your body's hunger ques, then you can't really eat too much.

    Hope this helps x
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