Anyone else just getting started and have about 50-60 lbs to lose?



  • hlhutch91
    hlhutch91 Posts: 94 Member
    I am so excited today, as I lost 3# this week. My goal was to MOVE more & not just sit at my desk.
    Even split a dinner with my mom last night when the family went out to eat!!!!
  • jadior
    jadior Posts: 191 Member
    congrats, hlhutch91!
  • beccahoffman
    beccahoffman Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning, I have had this app for a couple of years but really haven't done anything with it. I am determined to lose this 40 pounds and get healthy. I would love to have some friends for support. Good luck on everyone's journey.
  • Trying to lose 50 lbs. you can add me if you'd like
  • Hily93
    Hily93 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, I've only been at it for almost a month, been on MFP for 5 days, I have around 35kg I need to lose! I would love to have some friends here, so feel free to add :blush:
  • Pedey2115
    Pedey2115 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Count me in! I'm 24, 5'6" and 205lbs. My magic number is 132, but I'd be happy with like 150, so aiming to lose 60-70lbs. I need the accountability to keep going. Add me :)
  • Minnie_27
    Minnie_27 Posts: 1 Member
    Me, I was 280, went down to 156, but back to 183. My goal is 130. Im 5'5... I am getting married this summer and of course need to look awesome. lol
  • rbentrup81
    rbentrup81 Posts: 35 Member

    Same as everyone else, need to lose around 50 pounds....
  • New here, 6'4 big body frame, weighting at 290 magic number for me is around 225-230

    Wanting a healthy fit life and get back in shape, i am a traveler for work for many years and I've let myself go.

    This is the year! I've started my smoothie diet 5 days ago so it's too soon to tell, having a positive attitude about it!
  • shanrennbing
    shanrennbing Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I need friends on here also and started on the 7th though I have been on MFP a couple times in the past couple years. This time I plan to stay. Started at 214.6, now at 211 and looking to be around 150. Let's do this! :)
  • I stared at about 180 pounds. The first month I was in the red everyday. I was complaining that this thing did not work. How could I be in the red when I was still hungry? The second month I had more green days than red. In 9 months I lost 40 pounds. I continued down to 122. I still use this app to monitor myself. I tend to bounce between 125 - 135. (Christmas this year killed me. I popped up over 140.). Anyway, I have maintained, by using this app, for over 2 years. (I definitely don't want to creep back up toward 200.) It works - just keep at it.
  • hlhutch91
    hlhutch91 Posts: 94 Member
    Way to go girl!!!! I hope I can be that successful! (I mean, I can't wait to be that successful )
  • hlhutch91
    hlhutch91 Posts: 94 Member
    Hello! Yes we can do this...I just got started around the first. Down 6.5 lbs & I owe it all to this site. It gives me motivation and I really like knowing I'm not alone in this struggle. Welcome.
  • Just starting. 205 trying to get to 160-165.
  • I want in! I am at 190 and started at 232. Totally new ro fitness pal Trying to navigate how it works....
  • TStew2014
    TStew2014 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to be added.. Started 13 days ago need to lose 50 exactly. Not sure how this group thing works...
  • jadior
    jadior Posts: 191 Member
    As we all have the same goal in mind-what are some of your breakfast ideas? I'm not a fan of yogurt!
  • I just got started on the first and I'm looking for a few more fitness pals with similar weight loss goals.
    My start weight is 209 & goal weight is 149 lbs.


  • My goals are similar. I gained my "marriage 50" and need to drop it. I had just stopped paying attention to it and went up to 171. My target weight "super goal" is 122 (because I'm 5'3"), but my real goal is 131. Support will help me with my goal too. Let's do this!
  • hlhutch91
    hlhutch91 Posts: 94 Member
    Breakfast ideas,huh...big challenge! The egg option is easiest for me. Cutting fat & gaining protein is my challenge. Trying turkey sausage & Canadian bacon to cut fat...also found an Apple quinoa that I'm liking. Think I'll mix it up with dried cranberries & nuts or berries. The whole grain bread thins are good too.
    Can't believe how much eating a good breakfast has kept me on track...