What are peoples thoughts on Fitbits?

I keep lusting after one, and my boyfriend said he would buy me one if I think it will be useful to me. I was just wondering if they are worth the hype?

What I want from it, more than anything, is to measure more accurately the calories I burn at the gym


  • hollymonster312
    hollymonster312 Posts: 14 Member
    If thats all you want it for I would reccomend a HR monitor. Fitbits are more to give you an idea of your all day activity. Depending on the model it might night show any thing at the gym at all, say if you are spinning, weight lifting, etc.
  • emmarrr23
    emmarrr23 Posts: 22 Member
    Okay thanks, are there any particular brands of HR monitor that are tried and tested?
  • emmarrr23
    emmarrr23 Posts: 22 Member
    Also, I was looking at the fitbit with the heart rate monitor, is that not still worth it for me?
  • bing125
    I have used a Jawbone Up and a Fitbit Flex. They both measure calories at about the same rate. However, I took the Up back after replacing it four times due to quality and I have also replaced the Flex because in the end it was just not accurate enough for me. I am now using a Basis B1 and it is in my opinion significantly more accurate because of the four different measures it takes. It measures heart rate, galvanic response (sweat), body temperature and motion. The one drawback is that the algorithm to count steps is very tight and tends to not think you are moving if you just take a couple of steps. So the way I look at it the Basis is really just measuring my activity (running, walking, etc) when it comes to movement. The app is also very different then the others but I found it more motivating. The app has goals you have to unlock. It also measures sleep although I sleep like a rock so this is not a very important feature to me. Finally the Basis does not sync with My Fitness Pal but I always deleted the sync calories from the Fitbit anyway because I manually enter my runs. I hope this helps. There is a lot of info on the internet so do your homework and get the one that you think is right for you.
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    I've had one since May 2012 and use it religiously as a reminder to get off my but and just, generally, keep my activity level up. If you are looking for a HRM, the newest fitbit has one.
  • emmarrr23
    emmarrr23 Posts: 22 Member
    Yeahh, the charge HR, thats the one I was looking at. So you think its worth it then?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Honestly I think they're a waste of money...but a lot of people love them.
  • JessaLee0324
    JessaLee0324 Posts: 118 Member
    I think it is worth it. I never wanted a fitbit -- thought they were stupid -- and then bought one last week because our company store had one and the lady said its neat. I absolutely LOVE it. It is a total game changer. I REALLY want the Charge HR...and I think that would be good for you. It is a little pricey BUT it is a watch also. I hear they last a long time too.
  • emmarrr23
    emmarrr23 Posts: 22 Member
    I think it is worth it. I never wanted a fitbit -- thought they were stupid -- and then bought one last week because our company store had one and the lady said its neat. I absolutely LOVE it. It is a total game changer. I REALLY want the Charge HR...and I think that would be good for you. It is a little pricey BUT it is a watch also. I hear they last a long time too.

    Thats really useful, thankyou :D glad yours is working out for you :)
  • Tabasco395
    I've had my Fitbit Flex for almost 2 years now and I absolutely love it. If you are a person that moves around a lot...walking, running...it's great. But if you are a person that likes to get their exercise from other activities...weights, bikes, floor work...it's probably not the tracker for you. I would really like to get a Charge HR. I'm just waiting for my Flex to quit working so I actually have a reason to go out and get one. But until it does, I'll continue to swear by the Flex.