1200 calories unreachable? help?



  • LadyLoriAnn
    It looks like you did okay yesterday. I don't see the problem.

    yesterday was a strange day, I am having trouble getting up to 1200
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Over in protein is good. Over in sugar, only it it comes from fruit, is ok too.... From candy, pastry etc, not.
    I can't do 1200 either. It's impossible. Just the milk in my coffee in the morning is 260, and I need my coffee and don't like it black either. Then there are practically 1000 Cal left to eat, which is impossible to break into 3 meals, 300 cal per meal is just impossible. Throw in a snack of an apple for example, the big Apple is 120 cals... Now I gotta figure out a dinner or a lunch for about 200 cals . How in the world people are living on 1200 cal around here is a mystery to me. My solution to this was exercise... One hour in the gym would give me about 600 cal allowance , if I worked hard, so that let me eat 2000 cal a day and get the results of 1200 cal. There is no other way for me, but you must be willing, able, and have the time and energy to exercise.
    I've had personal problems and stopped going to the gym for the past 3 months, plus I didn't log anymore... I gained about 10 lbs, I am starting again and hopefully will lose those in about 8 weeks.
    Good luck to you

    I have the same issue. Right now for me, with a goal of losing 2 lbs per week, my daily allowance is 1200 calories. I easily can eat 2500 calories per day, and that's not even stuffing myself. I *have* to go to the gym in order to earn extra calories, at least 450. Yesterday I worked out for 2 hours at the gym, which gave me an extra 1100 calories. I find that if I don't exercise, it's really hard for me to stay below the daily amount, but with exercise, I can eat that extra amount, and I'm exhausted at night and I fall asleep (instead of eating more).

    It is extremely unlikely you burned 1100 cals at the gym and 1200 is far too low for a male.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I bet i could plug your info (if I had it) and you can eat way more and still lose.. just sayin :) even with 0 exercise.
  • LadyLoriAnn
    Over in protein is good. Over in sugar, only it it comes from fruit, is ok too.... From candy, pastry etc, not.
    I can't do 1200 either. It's impossible. Just the milk in my coffee in the morning is 260, and I need my coffee and don't like it black either. Then there are practically 1000 Cal left to eat, which is impossible to break into 3 meals, 300 cal per meal is just impossible. Throw in a snack of an apple for example, the big Apple is 120 cals... Now I gotta figure out a dinner or a lunch for about 200 cals . How in the world people are living on 1200 cal around here is a mystery to me. My solution to this was exercise... One hour in the gym would give me about 600 cal allowance , if I worked hard, so that let me eat 2000 cal a day and get the results of 1200 cal. There is no other way for me, but you must be willing, able, and have the time and energy to exercise.
    I've had personal problems and stopped going to the gym for the past 3 months, plus I didn't log anymore... I gained about 10 lbs, I am starting again and hopefully will lose those in about 8 weeks.
    Good luck to you

    I have the same issue. Right now for me, with a goal of losing 2 lbs per week, my daily allowance is 1200 calories. I easily can eat 2500 calories per day, and that's not even stuffing myself. I *have* to go to the gym in order to earn extra calories, at least 450. Yesterday I worked out for 2 hours at the gym, which gave me an extra 1100 calories. I find that if I don't exercise, it's really hard for me to stay below the daily amount, but with exercise, I can eat that extra amount, and I'm exhausted at night and I fall asleep (instead of eating more).

    I am not Hitting the 1200 calories though...sorry for confusion Im not going over 1200 I am staying under
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    what do you weigh right now and how often do you exercise? how tall are you?
  • LadyLoriAnn
    what do you weigh right now and how often do you exercise? how tall are you?

    I sent you a request lol I will give u all that in private lol
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    Sounds like your issue is that you're trying to dramatically change everything you eat overnight, all in one fell swoop.

    Eating 1200 healthily and nutritiously in a way that makes you feel full *is* possible. But it takes some learning about which foods work for you, some experimenting with different recipes, some learning how to cook and shop.

    Give yourself a break and do it slowly. Start by aiming to eat 1500 for a few weeks. See if you can stay under that. See if you're losing weight at your desired pace. If so, great, stick to that number. If not, cut to 1400, or 1300. By then you'll have learned quite a bit about how to meal plan and which foods will work for you, and it will be much easier.

    Don't try to change too many habits overnight. The key to success is a bit at a time.

    The problem I am having is that I am eating all day the things I "Think" are healthy and I am not reaching 1200

    While cucumber is a "healthy" nutritious food, you should have more than just a cucumber for lunch...that would be a good start.

    There is more to a healthy diet than just fruits and veg...you need protein (it's highly essential and I wouldn't worry about going over MFP's paltry default settings at all). Dietary fat is also essential to hormone regulation, nervous system function, brain function and all kinds of other important things.

    You need to look at your diet as a whole rather than individual foods on their own. Whether a diet is "healthy" or not requires context and you have to look at dosage of foods that typically are viewed as "unhealthy". For example, I eat around 6-8 servings of fruit and veg pretty much every day...I eat primarily lean sources of protein from chicken, lean cuts of beef and pork, and fish and get most of my fats from things like avocados, nuts, and oils like olive oil, coconut oil, etc. But I still go out with my kiddos for some pizza now and then...I enjoy a tasty burger from time to time and I eat desert pretty much every night and I love a good craft beer. In the context of my overall very healthy and nutritious diet, my dosage of these things is negligible...
  • LadyLoriAnn
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    segacs wrote: »
    Sounds like your issue is that you're trying to dramatically change everything you eat overnight, all in one fell swoop.

    Eating 1200 healthily and nutritiously in a way that makes you feel full *is* possible. But it takes some learning about which foods work for you, some experimenting with different recipes, some learning how to cook and shop.

    Give yourself a break and do it slowly. Start by aiming to eat 1500 for a few weeks. See if you can stay under that. See if you're losing weight at your desired pace. If so, great, stick to that number. If not, cut to 1400, or 1300. By then you'll have learned quite a bit about how to meal plan and which foods will work for you, and it will be much easier.

    Don't try to change too many habits overnight. The key to success is a bit at a time.

    The problem I am having is that I am eating all day the things I "Think" are healthy and I am not reaching 1200

    While cucumber is a "healthy" nutritious food, you should have more than just a cucumber for lunch...that would be a good start.

    There is more to a healthy diet than just fruits and veg...you need protein (it's highly essential and I wouldn't worry about going over MFP's paltry default settings at all). Dietary fat is also essential to hormone regulation, nervous system function, brain function and all kinds of other important things.

    You need to look at your diet as a whole rather than individual foods on their own. Whether a diet is "healthy" or not requires context and you have to look at dosage of foods that typically are viewed as "unhealthy". For example, I eat around 6-8 servings of fruit and veg pretty much every day...I eat primarily lean sources of protein from chicken, lean cuts of beef and pork, and fish and get most of my fats from things like avocados, nuts, and oils like olive oil, coconut oil, etc. But I still go out with my kiddos for some pizza now and then...I enjoy a tasty burger from time to time and I eat desert pretty much every night and I love a good craft beer. In the context of my overall very healthy and nutritious diet, my dosage of these things is negligible...

    Sometimes with my job I have been know not to eat, thus I thought the cucumbers would beat zero food, but I am beginning to see it is not enough. Thank you
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ka97 wrote: »
    1200 is tough. I don't have any really good suggestions other than to try to incorporate vegetables into your meals and snacks. You can eat a lot of veggies for very few calories. Going over on protein is fine, and I wouldn't worry about the sugar. I'd switch to tracking fiber rather than sugar, and work on trying to reach that fiber goal rather than staying under. Watch the sodium - even though you are under, it's still a lot given your low calorie total.

    why is 1200 tough???? I just had that for breakfast…

    ETA - do you mean tough to stay under or tough to reach???

    I assumed the OP was having trouble staying under 1200. Looks like I was incorrect. Reaching 1200 should not be a problem. Eat some peanut butter. Or guacamole. Or ice cream.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    what do you weigh right now and how often do you exercise? how tall are you?

    I sent you a request lol I will give u all that in private lol

    Lol no worries. I got it and sent u a message
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    ka97 wrote: »
    I assumed the OP was having trouble staying under 1200. Looks like I was incorrect. Reaching 1200 should not be a problem. Eat some peanut butter. Or guacamole. Or ice cream.

    Me too.

    And yes. Eat the food. Whatever you like, as long as it fits in your day's calories and macros. Even McDonald's from time to time, if that's what floats your boat.
  • lynnethatcher
    I strive for 1200 calories and day and I usually stay close (1200 - 1500 are my range, but normally I'm closer to 1300). It's important to break it up. 3 - 300 calorie meals with 23 grams of protein each meal and 2 - 150 calorie snacks with 11 grams of protein each. Try to incorporate a whole grain, fruit and protein in breakfast, a whole grain, fruit, protein and vegetable in lunch, and a fruit, protein and vegetable in dinner (no grains at dinner). Each snack should be a protein and a vegetable. If you are still hungry eat vegetables to ease the hunger. Eat every 3-4 hours. Also, make sure that you are drinking lots of water. You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces. When I stick with this plan, I lose weight. Good luck!
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I strive for 1200 calories and day and I usually stay close (1200 - 1500 are my range, but normally I'm closer to 1300). It's important to break it up. 3 - 300 calorie meals with 23 grams of protein each meal and 2 - 150 calorie snacks with 11 grams of protein each. Try to incorporate a whole grain, fruit and protein in breakfast, a whole grain, fruit, protein and vegetable in lunch, and a fruit, protein and vegetable in dinner (no grains at dinner). Each snack should be a protein and a vegetable. If you are still hungry eat vegetables to ease the hunger. Eat every 3-4 hours. Also, make sure that you are drinking lots of water. You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces. When I stick with this plan, I lose weight. Good luck!

    All those "rules" might work for you, and if they do, fine. But most of that is needlessly restrictive advice to be giving someone.

    Calories don't care how you space them out during the day, or what time of day you eat them.

    Calories don't care whether they come from fruits, vegetables, grains or pizza. They're just calories.

    Calories don't care whether you drank one glass of water that day or seven or seventy.

    Calories don't care whether you last ate three hours ago or twelve hours ago.

    Different things work for different people. OP, don't stress about any of the above. Just make sure you're getting enough calories and enough nutrients to stay healthy, fuel your body and workouts. How you get them and what time of day and what you eat is entirely up to you.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    I strive for 1200 calories and day and I usually stay close (1200 - 1500 are my range, but normally I'm closer to 1300). It's important to break it up. 3 - 300 calorie meals with 23 grams of protein each meal and 2 - 150 calorie snacks with 11 grams of protein each. Try to incorporate a whole grain, fruit and protein in breakfast, a whole grain, fruit, protein and vegetable in lunch, and a fruit, protein and vegetable in dinner (no grains at dinner). Each snack should be a protein and a vegetable. If you are still hungry eat vegetables to ease the hunger. Eat every 3-4 hours. Also, make sure that you are drinking lots of water. You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces. When I stick with this plan, I lose weight. Good luck!

    All those "rules" might work for you, and if they do, fine. But most of that is needlessly restrictive advice to be giving someone.

    Calories don't care how you space them out during the day, or what time of day you eat them.

    Calories don't care whether they come from fruits, vegetables, grains or pizza. They're just calories.

    Calories don't care whether you drank one glass of water that day or seven or seventy.

    Calories don't care whether you last ate three hours ago or twelve hours ago.

    Different things work for different people. OP, don't stress about any of the above. Just make sure you're getting enough calories and enough nutrients to stay healthy, fuel your body and workouts. How you get them and what time of day and what you eat is entirely up to you.

    I messaged her some advice... she is almost the exact same stats as me :)
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    edited January 2015
    Plenty of protein is good.

    Going over on sugar, if it's from fruit or lactose in milk or yogurt, is fine.

    Sticking to around 1200 can be done if you eat plenty of vegetables and watch your portions of starchy carbs since they are calorically dense.

    I eat around that amount. My diary is public if you want to look. I eat my main meal at lunch, you can see my portions for vegetables are very large.

    Do you eat the same breakfast, lunch & dinner every day or near enough? and I wouldn't call that dinner either (the yoghurt &pb, I mean).

    I couldn't eat just 1200 calories a day. The lowest has been 1300 I think but usually 1800+. I have no energy if I go too low

    I should say I'm talking about calories in, before exercise is taken into account, and not net. I can net low
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I dont think its hard at all.
    I do around 1200 and doing great. I eat a pretty balanced diet. Its open.
    I dont eat added sugar. But yes sometimes i go over my sugar levels too. And no problem at all.
    Salt is more a problem when it is too high..for me :)

    I eat 1/4 back of my exercise calories ( when i want or need it).

    And lost 60 pounds since 1st of October 2014..... So no problem here. Not hungry, not week.
    Full of energy and love to get back into my old habits of training and hope teaching soon again.

  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    It looks like you did okay yesterday. I don't see the problem.

    Oh, come on! I get flagged for stating the obvious? If someone says they can't do something, but they are doing it, they don't have a problem.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Out of her 10 days of logging, just yesterday she reached 1200. That's why you didn't see the problem. Which is ok, cuz you should stick to what you know anyways... nada.