
My name is Dave and I'm new to this site having discovered the link from the men's health website. Currently, my starting weight is 278 lbs. as of January 1st and I have lost 12 lbs. My whole life I have been a yo-yo dieter with a high of 303 and a low of 207 lbs. I'm tall at 6'6"1/2 with all my weight is around my midsection. I know I can lose weight since I lost 60lbs. in 10 months at the age of 42 and I WILL hit my goal weight this year. I love to long distance cycle and once the weather breaks I will be out on the road.


  • bigdawg1018
    Hey dave im new at this my name is scott and ive lost 120lbs so far. Abut 18 months ago i had a thing with my heart. I was 400 lbs...6'4".i started slow losing little by little then i got my fitness pal and it gave me the info to eat properly. Been losing consistently since. Down to 280 now withh a goal around 225. Keep going be strong ever hear of geo caching...google it it fun as hell.