hej there...

elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
I'm actually not that new to mfp, but somehow I never used the community...

Now I'm giving the whole loosing weight thing a new try (or better let's call it start).
I am now willing to do everything right! and this means also using the community to motivate others, get motivated by all your successes and find friends :)

and why now?
I'm a last year med student, 24 years old, from Austria (Europe)
and yes overweight :(. I'm gonna start to work in a few months time and I'm scared to death, that noone will even give me a job and a chance to show them, what I ca(n't) do, and get rewarded/fired because of my performance. and helloooo, who wants an overweight doctor telling anyone, "you have to live healthier, do more sports and diet"? - noone, right?

I've been overweight more or less my whole life (with bigger and smaller issues), but in the last time I really feel uncomfortable about my weight. this is not only about job issues, more the personal ones.
I've seen going out less, because I'm thinking, that noone will talk to me and all that stuff. or how am I going to find a new boyfriend, when I'm not looking attractive? and I'm covering every gram of excessive fat, but I'm not very successful, especially when my favourite sweater isn't fitting anymore :(

sorry for introducing my problems, but yes, thats my motivation!

This time I have to do it, there's no alternative!!!

Oh yeah, what I wanted to mention
I'm weighing currently 77kg (160lbs) and my first goal is 70 kg (154lbs) by July 1st.

I'd love to fiend someone to diet together and maybe become friends. so if you're interested, fell free to friend me :)



  • alluwant15
    alluwant15 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Lisa,

    Welcome back to MFP!!! It is indeed a great tool to start living and eating healthy. I also felt the same way and I still have some issues about my self esteem once in a while. Let me tell you this though, loosing weight to be accepted should not be an inspiration, loosing weight to be healthy is. I used to tell myself that I am too fat and that noone will ever like me and I even cry in front of the mirror feeling mortified about my appearance. It was an emotional phase in my life I do not want to ever go through again. Beauty is more than just having a well-toned abs, lean muscles, pretty face or smooth skin - It is how you think. Recently I learned to look in the mirror and love what I see. Once you feel good about yourself, it will radiate and people will notice. Believe me ; ) I'll be more than happy to be your friend. Add me = )
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Hi Lisa,

    You're right - the community and boards here are a GREAT help :smile:

    Feel free to add me
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck:smile:
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    Ohh thanks for your replies :-)
    It's so good to see, that there are more people struggling with the same problems

    So far I've noticed it's not all about the weight loss alone to radiate the happiness and self comfort, but also try to be active and actively search for people to talk with and become friends :)
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Sent a friend request. I'm learning German (still) & my last MFP pal from Germany made her goal and has been kinda absent for a bit (she's great btw).

    I'm up late & in the USA. :)