Weigh-in fear

OK - so I have now been on here 21 days and I have yet to weigh myself since I originally posted my weight. I have the fear! I weighed myself a few weeks ago and had put on 1lb and since then I have avoided the scales like the plague! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I plan to weigh myself over the weekend but I have the fear! If I have stayed the same thats ok... (I guess) but if I have put on them I will be really disheartened!! :sad:

I've always been a bit odd with food and maybe I have messed up my metabolism, but I am sticking to my kcal limit (with the odd slip up but 90% on or slightly under my daily allowance)...

Just wondering if anyone else out there is in the same boat!?


  • tillzie
    tillzie Posts: 16
    I hate getting on the scales I'm totally scared of that number going up... Some weeks I know it's going to be harder than others but everyday is a new one! I bet you will weigh in and be totally happy and surprised with the result! And if its not quite what you wanted then you can reassess your eating vs exercise and the best weigh to get that weight off! Best of Luck girly!
  • AussieLaurelle
    AussieLaurelle Posts: 38 Member
    I have same fear, i weighed myself this morning after avoiding it for 2 weeks. i had put on 2lbs! I then went and measured my self and have lost a total of 2inches. so i know its just muscle weight. to be honest i was expecting a gain because i started the 30 day shred so am working more muscle groups. just measure yourself and work of that if your scared of the scale
  • kama5
    kama5 Posts: 11
    Yes I have that problem too -- I've not long joined and its my last resort - I have to lose 10 kilos - I dont have much spare time to exercise either but I do my best by running round my home.........I go up then down then up then down again. But at least with this I can 95% keep to the 1200 calories a day - most of the time I find it difficult to get up to that much truthfully
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks everyone....
    I am seeing a personal trainer every 6 weeks for a weigh in and measure so I might just leave it til I see her so I know I am being measured and weighed the same! I started 30 day shred too (on the days I cant be bothered to get to the gym), plus PT lady has me doing alot of weights and interval cardio. I would be happier with loss of inches vs increase in weight!
  • katnz17
    katnz17 Posts: 45
    The 1 pound you gained could have easily been muscle. Remember it weighs more then fat and it helps you burn calories, looks great and is a total positive.
  • darrenham
    darrenham Posts: 110 Member
    Use the mirror instead. Do you look better?

    Scales show a lot more than fat loss, they show muscle-growth/reduction, hydration status, fasting status, level of clothing, etc etc etc.

    Don't let 1lb get you down. If you know you're doing things right, any weight gain is natural and probably muscle growth, however I'd suggest that you're scared of weighing yourself because you know you haven't stuck to your diet.
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    My stomach is flatter.... thats usually the first thing to go... closely followed by boobs... why does it never go from my butt :explode:

    Maybe you're right... a few slip ups is all it takes I guess... must try harder to avoid the tasty treats :grumble: They will not make me happy in the longrun :angry:
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    The 1 pound you gained could have easily been muscle. Remember it weighs more then fat

  • keynesian
    keynesian Posts: 44 Member
    Scales are not your enemy! I see the scales as giving the necessary feedback to what I've been doing re. food and exercise... and therefore use the numbers given to help me in my daily journey.